those of you who want to come with me that you now find in The Norton and other books.
You shouldn't try to come make me tell things that I don't want to say.
Let me come off the stage a second, so I can encourage you to get involved in the discussion.
Let me show you a little example, and then we'll come back to this.
0 So if you want to come and see me Monday 3:30 to 4:30, I am just down the hall.
And for me it's fun because I may not know the novel that you end up picking, and so it is a kind of challenge for me to take a novel that you've chosen and come to grips with it myself It may be one that I know.
Now, it will not come as news to me if I were to learn that several of you, maybe even many of you, in this class accept hedonism.
What I hope will happen is for you to come and say, " rather than "thank you for teaching me", something you would say " "thank you for reminding me of something that I've already known".
Yeah, come be with me in my office, I'd love to talk to you."
Would you like to come with me?
I would come right back to you with yeah, you intuited that but can you explain to me what you were hearing?
You guys are engineers. You are used to come to the office 10 am in the morning. No. Starting from today, you need to come 9 am in the morning and have a meeting with me."
Come with me now, open up your New Testament as you're just going to look at it, and we're going to go through a rushed little survey, through the New Testament.
And so do these three things, if you don't get an "A" then you can come back and talk to me about it later.
So if you are in that category of somebody who might quit it because of that, come and talk to me, come and talk to the TAs.
That is, if we meet on the street, you come talk to me during office hours, you ask some question; Shelly's the name that I respond to.
Now since I think that the arguments I'm about to sketch-- and I've just started sketching the first of is fails I hope you'll think it over and you'll eventually come to agree with me, yeah, these arguments don't really work after all.
If you can't come by at that hour, you can send me email and I will be happy to meet with you.
At the end of the semester, I don't think-- I am not expecting you to come and tell me, " "Wow! Thank you for teaching me so many new things."