In fact, you could be sitting three years from now waiting before commencement and you can get that grade adjusted.
In the first example, you could be at a social gathering and you really feel the need for some nicotine.
Can you talk about a little bit about how you get to convince, because you could be arguing and arguing, and all of a sudden you realize No.
He can see that you could be a physicalist and say that the mind is dependent on the body, the mind is just a way of talking about what the body can do when it's working properly.
Then what the program will do will give you a series of things it might potentially be because it recognizes that you could be entering more than one thing, and then you have to take the one that you think is closest to what you're actually eating.
Maybe you could be talking with another friend, who's very sad that the former friend is getting married.
Or maybe you could be wanting to try some extreme sports like skydiving, jumping out of an airplane.
All things being equal, what sort of person if you could be sexually or romantically ? involved with any person, ? who would it be?
You could be a chemical engineer.
Moreover, you might get hit by an illness and then you could be in desperate trouble that you will die unless you get some kind of emergency care, which might be very expensive.
Or perhaps, you could be trying to explain that you don't know whether you can do something or not by a certain date.
For example, you could be speaking with one friend about a situation where another friend was in,
For example, say you could be meeting somebody for the first time, perhaps on a date.
and at the same time, you could be fluent to other professionals all over the world.
You could be explaining the mistake, and maybe he got very upset.
In our final example, you could be needing to borrow a car.