Thank you. I mean, I know I sort of said it to you, but you're right. It's logarithmic, right?
And you friend says, "Well, you know I was kind of a nerd in high school. No one really liked me."
But, you know, I know someone who was a teacher in a Chicago public school for decades and lost his job, teaching math to high school kids, because he is gay.
And five weeks less one day later I decided you know what this might actually be for me and I switched from pass-fail to letter graded status at that point in time.
I don't know if I mentioned I assume you know about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?
or nymphs and satyrs than you or I know and later urban poets - and Theocritus was an urban poet -later urban poets like Virgil or Milton knew even less than Theocritus, we have to assume.
And though you see there's something, you know-- I've been making the case that a polis is a different thing from any other city state.
Like, I think, you know, I was pretty surprised when I heard that.
I don't know anything about are any of you from Arizona, I don't know.
So you know I say half in jest but it's actually really sad.
The trade deficit is coming down, you know I think it's good.
Let's take a step back and ask are all kinds of cells really the same and start by talking about two cells that I know you know are quite different.
Computing square root. I'm going to capture it in a piece of code, I'm going to be able to refer to it by a name, and I'm going to suppress the details, meaning inside of that computation, you don't need to know what it does. You just need to know, if I give it the right kind of input, it'll give me back an input that satisfies the contract that I set up.
In any event, this is some interesting research opportunity, so again, no obligation, you don't have to do this, I won't even know if you are or not, but I just thought I would present these in the case you might find them interesting things to do.
I know you can say it easily. I know you can speak well and write well in English. Keep it up!
No, so, my point is that I want you to succeed, and I know you can succeed.