It's very simple. It's this: if I know what I'm doing, it is almost inevitably the case that you would know also.
I used to be a campus tour guide, and what I'd say is, you know, everyone uses a number.
You know what I mean?" He was slouched rhetorically forward toward Franny, his receptive audience, a supporting forearm on either side of his martini.
And then the last thing I want to do, is just decide, you know, what do I do when I'm done.
All right, good. So the pink line is actually going to get steeper, but I know what you mean.
That didn't happen to me -- once I got into the lab, I didn't want to leave. So, I thought, "You know what, I think I'll change the medical school plans and now I'm going to go all the way -- chemistry major, chemistry grad school."
I mean, I don't make people be friends with each other but I mean, you know. What's up?
If you don't give me seven hours a week, I don't know what I can do for you.
Maybe you don't even know what this-- do you all know what carbon paper-- I guess you do know what this is, right?
But what do you- I want to know what you think. You defend them.
What is it you have to know about this object that was thrown, I claim, is the initial location of the object and the initial velocity.
What I know about it is what you're kind enough to read.
This seems to be a statement of his alienation or disaffection from the concerns of his fellow Athenians. I know nothing about what you do or what you care about.
I argue that, you know what?
I started thinking, you know what, the reason why in the United States we have such a problem,
You're a Swedish. What part of Sweden are you from? I know that Stockholm is in Sweden.