So you say well, rather than rushing off and fixing this one bug, let me pull back and ask, bug is this a systematic mistake that I've made throughout the program?
Now I try that on my students, and invariably they say "Well, of course you've got to save the child.
And if they can't answer that question, I say well, before you even run it, have an answer to that.
And if someone said, it's 4%, you'd say, well that's kind of meager, I want a better dividend than that.
Well, there is a sentence for you and, as I say, I don't have time to explicate it but I commend it to you as a possible paper topic if you're still in need of one.
And actually, a question that might come up, I just explained, the sodium channel, you might say, well, how do potassium channels work then, because I can understand how you can filter something big out, but how do you filter out something small.
So, in a first blush, you might say, well, why don't we just take the first ionization energy?
Well,if you're prepared to say that, then indeed you will be able to say, yeah,it's the body view.
This chart, very boring and uninteresting but useful to say there are very well defined rules as to when you're writing code, what operators, like what syntax should get evaluated first.
So first, you might say, well food is something that's found in nature, that humans have evolved to eat foods that are found in nature.
Now for many of you,when you look at this you may say, "Well,Ok,yes,change is possible.
Well, the taproot of conservatism you could say is right there in the Old South.
Rather, what you would say is, "Well, I didn't think it was worth helping.
That's a most ludicrous word, really, in contemporary social science or orthodox Marxist, where you just had to say, "Well, eventually the proletariat will rise up, because the bourgeoisie did this before."
Last thing to say is why would you want to have exceptions? Well, let's go back to that case of inputting a simple little floating point.
You may say to yourself, "Well, isn't it always the case that meaning is important and that meaning is hard to construe?"
Other people might say, well you know, I'm really an adventurer--I don't care too much about risk-- I want the much higher return.
The management might say, well what do you mean we didn't lose any money this year?
If you ask them why it matters, they say, well it's pretty obvious-- it's all their investor psychology that we have to deal with.
Well, obviously not so you're always going to say you typed different things.
You say, well, why are you doing something so foolish?
You say, well, wait a minute, what's he talking about?