If you take one of those individual grains of sodium chloride, look at it carefully, you will see the edges look like this.
I was bobbing my head, so maybe I better bob my head again and sure enough another piece of corn comes.
Now, they're offered--You take the red one away and now they're offered a choice between the two remaining ones.
There's even eating meditation, you did it once with me, and I've done this in other places where you take a raisin and you put it into your mouth, and you take a minute to eat this raisin.
We remove a pebble, system expands.
So the inventor of the chess game said, "Ok. What I like is on the first block, first square, I would like one grain of rice.
One way that you can look for that gene that you want is by making the cut in your plasmid inside of a gene that encodes for some property like resistance to an antibiotic.
But he started--the pigeons started to think, effectively, what was it I did just before that last piece of corn came?
And the claim is that when you choose this, in order to justify your decision, you denigrate the one you didn't choose.
It turns out, to a tremendous degree, and you could imagine yourself in that situation, they choose this one, the one that wasn't the one they turned down.
Then he had a machine that granted each pigeon one piece of corn every fifteen seconds; that's very, frustratingly slow for a hungry pigeon to get one piece every fifteen seconds.
Who cares? But then you ask them to choose between two of them.
Or I have once been to a party and I found my shirt was misaligned, seriously misaligned, not one button but--Anyway, so--and so I feel when this happens I'm very immature.
Genuinely when I take raisins, I watch TV while I'm eating, this instead you just take one raisin and you really taste it, you taste all the flavor, and thinking what I'm missing everyday, that's what it is.
Then we're going to take these plasmid vectors and we're going to somehow put them in contact with cells in such a way that the cells ingest the DNA and they use it.
So being a micro-organism that got a plasmid that give you resistance to an antibiotic would be a good thing - that gave you resistance to something that naturally killed cells like you in your environment would be a good thing.
There is something that one might be able to hold on to: the knob of something, the little flame of something that ; The grain of sand. -The grain of sand; but there is really not a decent metaphor for it, I think.