So more adults were frightened of young people's access to the Internet than young people's access to the weaponry.
I like, if I'm going somewhere for the first time, then I'll definitely go online and kind of google it.
Rick James is going to be sitting on the--at--staring at the web two years from now saying, "Hey. That's my thing."
I might go online look at some of the news stories that would in the paper the next morning.
You can go online and sign up there but you're still shopping so we're not starting sections tonight.
Now for Wednesday I am going to ask you to go online to the Beinecke Digital Archive and read those letters.
I was checking the web yesterday and I found a new book about Machiavelli, which none of these every fail to surprise me.
Once you know that, get on the phone, get on the Internet, book your tickets.
So what's that I find when I began talking teenagers and going online?
Because we obviously can't, in any course, or even any set of courses, tell you everything you'll ever want to know in life we've seeded some things in this program that will be unfamiliar, so during the time you're studying the program, get online, look it up, figure out what they do.
So we're very focused on, first of all, the cloud and what's in the servers and storage that people access when they go online, what are all the new devices that are coming online, and how do we shift our business to anticipate that and prepare for it?
But real-world offline merchants have none of these data.
I think what is better particularly in countries like your own, where you have more people on the internet.
So in the future, when you power up a terminal, a laptop, a PC, a netbook, or a cellphone, immediately, instantly, you see a box.
It's launching on Sunday, so if you go home now and Google it. It's really great.
you just go to online and find out Chinatown best restaurants, and you can have it.
Again, if you have a look on the websites for English gardens and stately homes,
I would recommend going online and finding television programs that are in English.
I am on the internet, probably every time I mark,
Everybody is going to iTunes, online, YouTube, to watch videos.
Even if you go on line there's, by now, a lot of databases from faces from all sorts of genders and national origins.
A customer can go online and just submit an idea, say, "Dell should do the following."
For example, one of the statistics when I talk to people about the youth online with the study that was done years ago, where they said 1/4 teenager girls had received unwelcome sexual advances on the Internet.
I don't know. A million people have participated in this and you could just go online, and then you could do it yourself.
On top of going online and watching television, you can check out the BBC.
So I set about on two missions, the first was to visit high schools around country and talk to young people about their use of digital technology and second was to go online and began to look closely at websites, chat rooms, internet list that young people were creating.