It repays innumerable readings and re-readings, so I urge you to read it seventy-five times, let's say, before you come to class on Monday.
So, these things here that you have in your hand, is the results of my spontaneously going to staples before class.
So before we proceed, I need to ask you to set aside for the purposes of this course, some of the more common myths about the Bible.
I still get nervous before every single lecture, which is actually a good thing. But it's managable.
You do the reading before class, you come to class, and you do the homework.
Ideally, keep up with the readings before you come to class.
I expect you to come to class prepared.
So Mara's going to be the person who will see you after class and she will take the problem sets that you have submitted before class and she'll give you the graded ones after class.
You've got to read before you come to class.
And similarly, particularly for those less comfortable, do we offer prior to the start of each week for a new piece at what we dub a walkthrough whereby one of the teaching fellows will literally start on the first page, give you a mental framework for the week's problems and talk about the ideas that it covers, and then walk through the piece set so that you have a roadmap of sorts that you can follow.
In one study by James Cutting, Cutting taught an Introduction to Psychology course and before each lecture he'd flash pictures on the screen.