I wonder have any of you reflected on, I don't want to call it shadow side, is not domesticated.
But for me, I like to look at something and just say, "I like this. I don't really know why though."
I mean, they have no idea how hard we work, and look at this gigantic split infinitive, to dramatically help.
People's expectations were so high we didn't know if what we were publishing was going the meet those expectations.
We also, therefore, have no sense that God is imminent in nature or tied to natural substances or phenomena.
And I don't know why, but since time immemorial that is the way computer scientists have drawn trees.
if we can't think what system it belongs to, that's tantamount to saying we really don't know what it is.
Now,the problem with this is that Papias and these other people didn't really know what they were talking about.
I certainly didn't understand how they even connected really to chemical reactions, much less other disciplines that I was interested in.
We had no idea what was going on with the system, with how people were using it. We were making guesses.
He says something, and he doesn't really know where those words come from. He doesn't really know what made his granny so angry about those words.
We don't even know where it is we're supposed to be looking from, and the choice between Fesole and Valdarno that Milton gives the reader is crucial here.
Maybe the pigeons were thinking that, maybe not, we don't know; Shafir and Tversky report experiments with people, not pigeons.
Schindler in the Holocaust, and then the other guy, in and I can't pronounce his name Rusesabagina, in Rwanda.
I'll bet you never heard of Tellus of Athens, neither had Croesus, neither had anybody else outside of Athens.
I'm defending, I'm defending the physicalist by saying, "Don't blame us. We don't know how to explain it yet."
I don't know what your major is; I don't know what you are going to do later so I picked the topics that all of us in physics find fascinating.
It's called, I don't know if you guys speak any Japanese, but it's called Bungo, the thing that we're focusing on.
Specifically, what is it that American companies that, both then and now, still don't understand about China that you think you do and they don't?
If you don't know why you're about to eat cake like that you will soon, but you know this.
So why I didn't necessarily say to myself "These people are just wrong!", I discovered there were many things about other communities and cultures that I just didn't know.
I don't know where any one of them is, but I can tell you on average where any one of them is likely to be.
I really have no idea whether it's a fact, and it's not important in My Fair Lady whether it's a fact.
And what happens of course thereafter, as you'll remember, is that Lily pops up from the back seat: "Hi." He didn't know that she was there.
The Elder Brother is issuing this theory without any consideration, - obviously, whatsoever of earthly reality and we're shocked by -- I don't know how else to put it.
I don't actually know whether it's deserved or not, because Yale does not publish information about what the grading averages are.
That's an idea that struck people intuitively at various times in history, but they didn't know how to do these calculations.
This is on purpose, because one of the things I hope you have learned to do this semester, is look up things you don't know, and figure out what they do. What they mean.
But if you say, well, I don't know how to do this, I am not going to bother, don't grade the paper.
But I want to end this first real class with a bit of humility as to what psychologists know and don't know.