The most salient feature of the Deuteronomistic School is the conviction that Israel's residence in the land is a function of its obedience or disobedience to the covenant with Yahweh.
For Deuteronomy, holiness is a status to be lost through disobedience to God's Torah.
Premise two was the incompatibilist claim that, "Nothing subject to determinism has free will."
And he punished them if they didn't obey the rules.
Because after all, premise three: 'All purely physical systems are subject to determinism.' Isn't it true after all that the basic laws of physics are deterministic laws?
So, there's a wonderful thirteenth-century commentator that says that God needed creatures who could choose to obey him, And therefore it was important for Adam and Eve to do what they did And to learn that they had the choice not to obey God so that their choice for God would become endowed with meaning.
It would follow then that we're not subject to deterministic laws.
So according to Wellhausen, the early period of ancient Israel must have been characterized by a free, more natural form of religion, an intimate relationship with God, unencumbered or unsullied by the legalistic cultic obsessions of priests and cult.