That's what the optimist thinks-- not just for themselves individually, but for everybody, the total is always positive.
You might say that optimists are people who think that for everybody in every case, in every circumstance, the total is always positive.
And he looked and it was good," And we have this tremendous rush of optimism.
Optimistic people, and again, not Pollyannaish detached optimism, but grounded optimists, on average, live significantly longer.
Hawthorne wrote a short story you should read sometime, as a balance to all of this optimism of this period, irresistible as that optimism was.
And he had a miserable life until then because he always had illnesses, some of which might be even psychosomatic. So he was the optimist and the one who lived well with the pessimist.
And in between the optimists on the one hand and the pessimists on the other, you've got moderates who say, " "It varies.
Well enough, I guess, of that; although if you want to understand the optimism of that time just dip into Leaves of Grass, read Whitman's Old Pioneers.
we now have a return of the division between moderates, optimists and pessimists.
.. So that death-- they're optimists in this strange sense, if they think life would've been good, which means of course that that we die is bad for us.
There is unfortunately a lot of misunderstanding about optimism.
I suppose, again, the optimist says, "Yeah, death is bad, but life is good, sufficiently good to outweigh the badness of the fact that we're going to die.
On the one hand, the optimists might say, "Even when we throw in the extra interaction effects, even the negative interaction effects, the overall nature of the human condition is positive.
That's what the optimists might say.
But what of it? Think as long as you can though the artist throw out the negativism in reality by means of his art. And so he ends up with this very optimistic point of view.
How do we enhance the belief in ourselves if there's such high correlation and there's a very high correlation and predictive power to a sense of hope, to a sense of optimism, to beliefs.
While it brought in many wonderful ideas, talked about the study of well-being, talked about the study of optimism, of kindness, of morality, of virtue, of love, of relationships, of peak experiences, of self-actualization, of empathy.
.. You might say, optimists are those-- now in this more chastened version of optimism, optimists say, "Even if immortality would be bad eventually after a million years or ten million years or what have you, " the next chunk of life would've been good for all of us."