Yeats, in "Adam's Curse," regrets that the beautiful is something to be labored for and he wants to conceal that labor.
He was fully complicitous, and indeed God holds him responsible He reproaches Adam. Adam says: Well, Eve handed it to me.
You could go to Yeats's poem "Adam's Curse" to see the poet talking about this aesthetic ideal.
You'll find Eve in Book Nine of Paradise Lost voicing essentially this same sentiment when she's explaining to Adam why she needs to work separately.
Adam Smith, who is often falsely viewed as a proponent of selfishness and hardheadedness, was quite explicit about the pull this has.
Eve persuaded by the serpent,persuades Adam to do what was forbidden by God.What is forbidden by God?
In almost every poem Walt Whitman wrote he seems to be fashioning himself, if not the whole of this American people, which sometimes he did call an American race, as a new Adam.
God breathes into Adam.
Adam and Eve eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in violation of God's command.
I can't help but feel that within the context of the actual story of the Fall, the Fall of Adam and Eve, that the idea of divine providence isn't actually all that comforting.
He makes clothes for Adam and Eve. He's spoken of in much more anthropomorphic terms then the God that we encounter in Genesis 1.
And so Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate - and this is the passage at the top of the handout - Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate that the Genesis story of Adam and Eve establishes no such thing.
Milton, of course, is instructing the muse to explain first, before she gets around to explaining anything else, what caused Adam and Eve to fall.
But in fact the Hebrew literally reads, "She took of its fruit and ate and gave also to her husband with her, and he ate."
The implication is that Eve acts alone and then she goes and finds Adam and gives him some of the apple and convinces him to eat it.
We know, of course, that Adam and Eve are going to eat the stupid fruit; but Milton is developing a style that works to resist our drive to get to the end of the story.
Adam at the Fall didn't simply come into a knowledge primarily of evil.
The story of the first human pair in the Garden of Eden, which is in Genesis 2 and 3 has clear affinities with the Epic of Gilgamesh, that's a Babylonian and Assyrian epic in which a hero embarks on this exhausting search for immortality.
There has been a long tradition of interpreting the deed or the sin of Adam and Eve as sexual, and there are some hints in the story that would support such an interpretation.
I suggested just a minute ago that one of the relevant stories that is always lying behind Milton's discussion of human choice is the story from the Book of Genesis about Adam and Eve's choice to eat the forbidden fruit.
This is the doom which Adam fell into, ; this is the fallen condition to which we've all been consigned; but the passage is so much more complicated than that because good and evil seem to have been mixed up in the apple before the Fall.
Milton, in fact, soon goes on in Paradise Lost - right after this very passage that she cites, Milton the narrator berates Adam for his overvaluation of his wife through the character of the Archangel Raphael.
What's at stake, or what might be at stake in this connection between Milton's own postprandial groaning and moaning and the even more poignant post-lapsarian groaning of Adam and Eve and the entire earth?
The story of Adam and Eve and of the fall of Satan may strike us - having read or about to read Paradise Lost -- may strike us as a natural subject for Milton to have chosen for his epic poem.
I the singer of Adamic songs" he said it directly "Through the new garden of the West, the great city is calling, as Adam early in the morning, walking forth from the bower, refreshed with sleep; behold me, where I pass, hear my voice."
The very idea of divine providence, when it's injected into the story of Adam and Eve's perfectly disastrous choice to eat the apple, seems to arouse in a lot of us feelings of injustice.
Even though God knew exactly what Adam and Eve would do -that they would eat the fruit -we still have to be able to say that they ate the fruit freely out of their own free will.
Adam and Eve are naked, arum, which is the same word for clever or shrewd, and the snake is arum, he's clever and shrewd: there are lots of little puns of this kind.