They hung dead, well, not actually, actors pretending to be people that were dying from the trees.
reciting the text, emoting over it, enthusing about it, - and then looking around for something else to say-- it was no longer a question of doing that.
Jefferson:"Northerners are cool, sober, laborious, persevering, independent, jealous of their own liberties, chicaning, superstitious, and hypocritical in their religion."
He's a master diver," Ambrose said. In feigned admiration.
You know that Milton had been entertaining this fantasy of becoming a great biblical prophet like Isaiah as early as the Nativity Ode.
you know, people dressed in gold and things like that, pretending to be kind of statues
Something is usually said about Kafka in connection with Wise Blood, but I have never succeeded in making my way through The Castle or The Trial, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Kafka.
To write about your life and to pretend that you're communicating the memory of what happened to you--your grief, your private grief-- doesn't contain that universalizing move that fiction, by its very essence, contains.