The optimates, meaning "the best," tended to support the interests of the wealthy senators and the few wealthiest families.
And that's not, that's what's good for myself and that's what benefits others and the environment,
And the terms of the expression change, the parties to the conflict change, the sights change, but the controversy goes on.
He anticipated this power much as his father, a reasonably well-to-do banker, might have anticipated long-term earnings from a particularly risky business venture.
through the exercise of political responsibility, which means responsibility for and oversight of one's fellow citizens and the common good.
Most people around the world who know of them want to benefit from the achievements of western science and technology.
Could I do more for the ultimate good of the slave population by holding or emancipating what I own?
The compiler is going to ignore all of this so-called "pretty printing" -- all of this sort of indentation, -- all of this white space -- that's really for the human's benefits, both yours, your colleagues, the teaching staff, and the like.
When you serve on a board, you are in a fiduciary role; you are there to protect shareholders and that's the concept.
Although here, it's as if the government is electing by conscription certain citizens to go die for the sake of the whole.
In this case, to optimize for the best of the whole community and the whole user base and over the long term and that's important too, your long over short term.
So, today, what do you think are the greatest national security threats or threats to America's interests.
It also seems to reflect the interests of the south. Remember, we talked about the fact briefly that at a certain point in Israel's history there is a division upon the death of Solomon in the late tenth century.
So rich Romans were often freeing slaves for their own purposes.
Why are you killing me for your own benefit?
There's at least some agreement that's going to be better for everybody than a strike, and yet, because they're conflicting interests there, basically in that case conflicting interest about health and pension payments, it could well be that you end failing to coordinate.
but I feel that it is in his or her best interest to end their life.
But it was completely obvious that that was where the profit was shifting in the industry.
You can look at that and get a better idea, and that's less affected by lobbying and special interest than the government version.
So very often, our self-interest will just stop our desire to do what's right.
You know, yes, yes, you know, we care about you, but you have to subsume your interest, your personal interest.
Every polity seeks its own advantage against others, making relations between states a condition of unremitting war of all against all.
Does it support Bentham's idea that all goods, all values can be captured according to a single uniform measure of value?
One social class does not owe anything to another and we should not feel guilty about pursuing financial interests.
It's another form of competition, the competition between these two sources of values, the community at large versus the individual and the family.
You must love loyal advisors and servants, whether they be foreigners or our own people, and spare no effort to serve the common good."
The populares started representing the interests of everybody else in Rome.
And for Milton, whose temperament up to this point inclined him obviously to hesitation, to postponement, and to merely the anticipation of profit, the pressure applied by this parable of the unprofitable servant may very well have seemed utterly unbearable.
The interests of the two sides don't always coincide.
The Torah laws-- And also, the laws in those collections very often, despite the prologues' rhetoric that they bring justice to the disadvantaged and so on, many of the laws clearly serve the interests of an upper class. Okay, that's the more important point.