Then it undergoes a reorganization in which the vice neutrons, assistants to the neutron, the assistants to the vice neutrons exchange places.
It has 125 assistants to the neutron, it has 75 vice neutrons and 111 assistants to the vice neutrons.
Paul Raushenbush This is Paul Raushenbush, the associate dean of Religious Life at Princeton University, signing off from the Inner Core.
We had African chieftains involved, we had the Vice-President of Ghana and the President of Togo and on and on and on.
He was doing a fairly basic job, but then grew throughout the company, and now he's a senior vice president, and is responsible for a very large part of the company.
The first step in the process is when I was Deputy WHCF, that I put on the wall a big white board calendar.
there that we want to highlight. In particular, -- notice-- let me highlight it for you, if I can find it with the wrong glasses on-- we've got these return commands.
Jacob Milgrom sees a moral message at the base of this complex, symbolic picture. And that is that humans and humans alone are responsible for the rein of wickedness and death or the rein of righteousness and life.
This is an unlikely picture.
This is a French painter, drawer, lithographer called jacques Callot.
But abruptly, fiendishly, the tender pattern of nudity I had adored would be transformed into the disgusting lamp-lit bare arm of a man in his underclothes reading his paper by the open window in the hot, damp, hopeless summer night.
In its place, a republic was re-established where Machiavelli occupied the office of secretary to the second chancery, a kind of diplomatic post which he held for 14 years from 1498 to 1512.
They are the byproducts of another system.
You can't see this too well but there's a map of the world here that actually shows you all the individual cases of polio that occurred between this period of August 2007 and, it's cut off on the screen, February of 2008.
Paul Raushenbush My name is Paul Raushenbush. I'm the Associate Dean of Religious Life and Chapel at Princeton University.
And I went to Swarthmore as an associate dean and director of supportive services at Swarthmore Colleges.
So let's say you're the vice president of whatever.
before that he was the Deputy White House Chief of Staff, and Joshua is also, I'm proud to say, a proud alumus of Princeton University, Class of 1976.
Again, thank you for joining us, Paul Raushenbush my name's Paul Raushenbush, associate dean of the Religious Life at Princeton University, and until the next time, breathe.
Hello and welcome to the Inner Core, Paul Raushenbush my name is Paul Raushenbush, and I am the associate dean of Religious Life and the Chapel at Princeton University.
I'm the associate dean of Religious life at Princeton University.
Here's Reubens' The Horror of War.
Paul Raushenbush My name is Paul Raushenbush and I'm the Associate Dean of Religious Life and Chapel here Princeton University.
Paul Raushenbush My name is Paul Raushenbush and I'm the associate dean of Religious Life and the chapel at Princeton University.
Joe Biden I saw that Vice President Joe Biden gave under 2000 dollars, and he and his wife had made 250,000 dollars.
Paul Raushenbush My name is Paul Raushenbush, associate dean of religious life at Princeton University.
I'm the Associate Dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel at Princeton University.
I'm the Associate Dean of Religious Life and the Chapel at Princeton University.
And before that, he was a Deputy WHCS.