And again in one of the functional magnetic insonance image experiments, we could ask Mike to examine faces verse other things.
So perhaps in the relevant sense, the person can still engage in P-functioning, so they're not dead. Good enough.
Does he want to say that he's just an author function, that his textual field is a kind of set of structural operations within which one can discover an author?
Studies using imaging techniques like CAT scans, PET, and fMRI, illustrate that different parts of the brain are active during different parts of mental life.
Over the last few years, what started to happen is more and more psychologists have been using brain scans for example; they've been using fMRIs, EEGs, other physiological measures.
We talked about modern imaging methods and this is an example of an fMRI, a functional MRI; a map of the brain that not only shows you the anatomy of the brain but shows you something about the chemistry of what's going on inside.
Well, the initially tempting thing to say is not only aren't you broken, but you're actually engaged in P-functioning.
But if death means permanent cessation of P-functioning, then it turns out the dead weren't really dead after all.
So it turns out that during that period in which they were dead, they were only temporarily not P-functioning.
They were only temporarily not P-functioning, just like we are temporarily not P-functioning when we're asleep.
When all goes well, the body is also capable of engaging in higher order personal P-functioning.
So the proposal that death is a matter of permanent cessation of P-functioning versus temporary, that doesn't seem like it's going to do the trick.
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.
We might say, look, while you're asleep, it's true that you're not P-functioning.
And to be dead then, is to be unable to engage in P-functioning.
Well, presumably because whatever cognitive structures it takes in your brain to underwrite the ability to P-function, those cognitive structures have been broken, so they no longer work.
If I'm not P-functioning, do we have to then say I'm dead?
If we say that to be a person is to be a P-functioning body, it seems then as though we have to conclude that when you're not P-functioning, you're dead.
The body begins to break, you get the loss of P-functioning.
Well, that's at least an improvement, because then we say, look, while you're asleep, even though there's no P-functioning going on, the lack of P-functioning is temporary, so you're still alive.
they're not engaged in P-functioning. That's pretty clear.
Well, now they're P-functioning.
Although they will be engaged in P-functioning later on, it's not true right now that they can engage in P-functioning.
Well, one possibility would be to say, the question is not whether you are P-functioning.
What are the particular processes that underwrite personality or person functioning?
Take somebody who is in a coma, not engaged in P-functioning.
It can't just be a matter of not P-functioning.
To some extent, if we put you in an fMRI scanner and observed what you're doing in real time, by looking at the activity patterns in your brain we can tell whether you are thinking about music or thinking about sex.