I think Hartman is absolutely right to note that it's this aspect of Milton's similes that sets them entirely apart from the similes in any other epic poem.
One of the things that makes Cornell and the Johnson School a little bit different than other places is
So as one reads the epic one senses this very deep ambivalence regarding the relative virtues and evils of civilized life and many of the features that make us human.
That's just an example of a cell that in its very mature or differentiated form is quite different from other cells inside the body.
How does a piece of pop music differ from a piece of classical music?
If slavery is natural, and if nature intends to distinguish the slave from the unfree, the free from the unfree, ? how can nature miss the mark?
I'm going to mean something immaterial, something distinct from our bodies.
It would drive us into such baroque circumlocutions and avoidances of the obvious to say, "Oh, social factors have nothing to do with this," that we might as well just sort of--not give the distinction up, because I think it's very important always to have it in the back of our minds.
At the end of last class,I began to raise the question as to whether or not we should distinguish two questions that we would normally be inclined to run together.
Those are obvious what the differences are, embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos .
And maybe it was something else. But they withdrew for some reason And how and why they took up the worship of Yahweh or the cult of Yahweh isn't really clear but it seems to have been what marked them as distinct from other Canaanites.
In a stunning admission, he says, listen to this, that "while nature may intend to distinguish the free man from the slave," he says, "the opposite often results.