So if I tell you that the energy for single hydrogen atom is negative 13 12 kilojoules per mole.
So, what we get for the disassociation energy for a hydrogen atom is 424 kilojoules per mole.
You plug all of this in and you get 344 kilojoules per mole, which then sums to 608.
He doesn't understand the words that he's used, but boy! Did they produce a response!
You've probably been surrounded for years now by bytes and kilobytes, and megabytes and terabytes, and the like.
One that's . 2 kilobases long and one that's 1.1 kilobases long - kilobase is 1,000 bases.
Ordinary heat capacities are in Joule's per Kelvin mole, not kilojoules, right.
I think people should be able to do that without having to convince 280 million people.
So, what autism is a disorder that strikes about one in a thousand people, mostly boys.
On July 1, 1916, more than 57,000 English troops were wounded or dead.
At the end of last June, we had 336 million Internet users.
When I started in 1985, the distribution to the operating budget was $45 million.
The Buddha talked about it thousands of years ago, "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
It's a contest just like everything else in Greek society and there's a tremendous amount of pride that goes into victory and a tremendous amount of shame that goes into defeat.
And the brain is a remarkably beautiful and complex structure involving cortex, the cortex has maybe over 50 billions neurons and each one is connected to a thousand others and so forth.
In contrast, the dissociation energy of a bond for hydrogen, and molecular hydrogen is everywhere around us, we see 432 kilojoules per mole.
So we know what that number would be, it would be negative 424 kilojoules per mole that we see here.
If I have one that's 400 kilojoules per mole and another that's 200 kilojoules per mole and I blend them, how do I get 500 kilojoules per mole?
The so called ones column on the right, the tens column next to it, the hundreds column, the thousands column, and so forth.
And the prefactor is 96.3 3 when you want to get a result in kilojoules per mole.
And then we hand you 140,000 English words in the form of a big text file much like our aspiring pre-med students in recent months, and we challenge you to implement the fastest spellchecker possible.
Essentially we're not going to see this, it's 9 kilojoules per mole.
So, if it's $550, that makes $55,000 for a one round lot.
The amount that we're spending for the year ending June 30,2008 is $843 million -that represents 37% of revenues--and we're projecting expenditures for the following year of $1.15 billion.
So, let's compare this to the energy of the h 2 molecule, and we find that that's negative 3,048 kilojoules per mole.
And the change in energy for this reaction is negative 349 kilojoules per mole.
I don't think that people should be, should have to convince 280 million others simply in order to exercise their own rights, in order to not have their self ownership violated.
So, for example, for the chlorine case, we would say that the electron affinity for chlorine is actually positive 349 kilojoules per mole.
So this is not going to be a favorable process, we're going to find that the electron affinity is actually a negative 7 kilojoules per mole for nitrogen.
If we want to talk about two hydrogen atoms, then we just need to double that, so that's going to be negative 2 6 2 4 kilojoules per mole that we're talking about in terms of a single hydrogen atom.