So, the way to measure force is in kilogram meters per second squared.
Here is some object, it's 5 kilograms and I apply 10 Newtons.
这有一个物体,5 千克,我对它施加 10 牛的力
I got 2 kg and I pull this guy with 10 Newtons.
还有一个 2 千克的物体,我用 10 牛的力来拉它
Newtons acting on 2 kg, gives you an acceleration of 2.
牛的力作用在 2 千克的物体上,那么其加速度大小就是 2
A typical problem that you may have done in your first pass at Newton's law, someone tells you a force of 36 Newtons is acting on a mass of whatever, 4 kilograms; what's the acceleration?
在你们第一次接触牛顿定律时,可能见过这么一道典型题目,告诉你,一个 36 牛的力,作用在一个物体上,4 千克吧,问加速度是多少