So the Deuteronomistic history is not simply a history of Israel until the destruction of Jerusalem, it is a historiosophy.
Plato is not only one of the greatest philosophers in history, he wrote his philosophy in the form of dialogues.
So the courses I took - -actually I took some English history obviously - I took no American history which would be the field I did in the PHD, but I took a lot of courses in philosophy, in literature.
So political philosophy is not just some kind of strange historical appendage attached to the trunk of political science; it is constitutive of its deepest problems.
It's an anthology of writings or books written and edited over an extensive period of time by people in very different situations responding to very different issues and stimuli, some political, some historical, some philosophical, some religious, some moral.
But not for the sake of hashing through the history of philosophy not for the sake of analyzing philosophical concepts the way analytical philosopher would, but rather,with that kind of background preparation, seeing things that others might not.
Sidney's talking about the various kinds of discourse: - divinity, hymnody, science, philosophy, history-- in other words, all the ways in which you can contribute to human betterment and human welfare. He says in the case of all but one of them, each discourse is a "serving science."
Where a historian might simply record events that is such a simple thing to do, but let's go with that for a moment) a historian might simply record events, however selectively or partially, ; might try to indicate cause and effect where possible; but a historiosophy is a more conscious philosophy of history.
It's seeking to ascertain the meaning of events to draw larger philosophical, ideological conclusions from the events of history, and to point to the larger purpose or design of history, not to say just what happened, but to say why it happened and what it means for us today that it did happen.