Moore is quoting here in that phrase "business documents and school-books," as she tells us, from Tolstoy, a prose writer.
This is a strategy called double syntax, the notion that "in the Beginning" can modify one verb or the other.
These are poems, in other words, that come with little labels to tell you what they mean and what they're about.
In other words, language, according to Derrida, in the Saussurian tradition seems to privilege sound over script, over what is graphic.
What if we were to take this electron and send it over to here, in other words, engage in electron transfer.
In other words, if we don't have to worry about entropy or volume equilibrium is achieved when energy is at a minimum.
He says this verse. It speaks a lot about the sublimeness and glory of God, just how truly great he is.
In other words it doesn't just return when it finds one, it's going to run through all of them. All right?
There is that physical comedy, and I'll suggest to you that in that sentence, the pushing and pulling, you're seeing part of Nabokov's verbal play.
On the other hand, if we had a quarter as much venture capital, I think that would be in the sense the world would contract too much.
This is Hobbes' answer to Machiavelli's famous call in chapter 25 to master fortuna, to master chance or luck, fortune.
Contrast that with "Bill knew that John liked himself," which only has the meaning Bill knew that John liked John.
That temple at Delphi had written above the Temple these words, "Know Thyself," And another statement, "Nothing in Excess."
On the other hand, you know, let's be honest here, we also know the expression, " "Misery loves company."
Somebody says, "What is a mare?" "Well, it's a female horse." "Well, it's a female horse" is the metalingual function.
In other words, the judgment of beauty does not depend on the existence of the object for its satisfaction.
First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile.
But as he asks at the end, "... / when was that ever a bar / to any watch they keep?"
Now I spoke last time about the familiar sense of hesitation, that apology with which Milton had opened the elegy.
And in other words, the people who have invented this art form are still practicing it.
In other words, now I know how to tell how the Helmholtz free energy changes as a function of temperature.
In other words, for an electron donor to give up its electron, the electron donor needs to have an electron acceptor.
Sometimes it was spiritualized. In this sense, this is why I put this quote up on the board from On the Road: "We've got to go someplace, find something."
In other words, in his propaganda, Augustus basically said, "I'm not a king, I'm just another senator, and I'm giving the Senate and the people all their power back."
Let's say a little more about that time and place already indicated in the sentence, "I went down to the Piraeus."
In other words, you have a degree of monarchical power control of true, monarchical power, of a wealthy monarchical power.
In other words, this was not meant to be a record to be left for the future. It was an accident.
And, yet, think about the qualities of sound that are so different between "across the lines of straighter darker trees" and "I like to think some boy's been swinging them."