One of our folks reminded me, Microsoft was started and Apple was started during kind of a recessionary period.
So I threw a party in New York, and her best friend, my co-worker came, and she brought her,
The President was very open and encouraging of his senior staff and cabinet to disagree with the way he was going.
I don't know. Does anybody--It has been-- The colleague answered and said that it's not as effective as other methods.
And so, Rutherford had a fellow working in his lab by the name of Geiger. And, Geiger invented a detector.
The reason we picked these two cities we asked realtors- Karl Case, who's my colleague, he teaches at Wellesley College.
The compiler is going to ignore all of this so-called "pretty printing" -- all of this sort of indentation, -- all of this white space -- that's really for the human's benefits, both yours, your colleagues, the teaching staff, and the like.
They are my experimental colleagues who write papers with 400 other people, maybe even 1,000 other people.
These Sophists raised most of the questions that my colleagues are now spending all their time with.
And then the pyramid that I find most persuasive is the one developed by the folks at Harvard, willett and his colleagues, that's based on all the available science.
There's a wonderful book by my former colleague, Geoffrey Parker, called The Spanish Road, which talked about how difficult it was for the Spanish to get troops all the way to the Netherlands.
我之前的同事 杰弗里·帕克,写了一本非常好的书,叫做《西班牙之路》,讲述了西班牙是怎么样艰苦地,将军队派遣到荷兰去的
Welcome to Uncommon Knowledge, I'm Peter Robinson Joining me today, two colleagues of mine at the Hoover Institution Both are economists, Kenn Judd and John Taylor ... John Taylor also served for two and half, three years Four years Four years, essentially in the entire first term?
For example, maybe you are a partner at your firm and you're working with an associate on a project.
Different former colleague of mine once talked about the prospect of having a kind of heavenly vision of the divine.
As I told the teaching fellows, I had a colleague in those days who looked at me enviously and said he wished he had the black leather concession at the door.
I am joined by three wonderful people who work with me at Princeton University.
A third finding comes from experiments done by a colleague.
The importance of the questions you ask of yourselves first and foremost, of your partner, of your students, of your parents, of your employees in the future, teammates and so on.
Let's say that you and your co-workers are trying to make a decision about whether to put a plan forward.
So, I'll start with my colleague, Professor Joanne Stubbe. She studies molecules, in particular she studies biological molecules.
And then, since I worked there for ten weeks during the summer, I liked them, they liked me,
You're talking to your co-worker and your co-worker says "Oh, it's because you're so hard working."
and your co-worker continues to discuss how to do the work rather than actually doing the work,
You could tell your colleague instead of asking him directly which might be a little inappropriate,
Maybe at work there's a colleague that continues to talk about the latest basketball game.
A few months ago, some former students of mine -former colleagues of mine -gave this very nice party at the Yale Club.
A former colleague of mine put the thing very, very well.
She is now the Dean of the Chapel and Religious Life and a wonderful colleague that I can say to our office and to the Princeton University Community Reverend Doctor Boden, welcome!
And this is some work done by the psychologist Claude Steele and his colleagues at Stanford.
I talk about CS50 so much that my teammates implemented a CS50 talk tax.