And I'm going to ask you to think of all of the images here, the figurations of listening and hearing in the mask.
You don't have to read the notes cause you've got the sound in your ears, part of your aural memory.
I'll just tell you that Tennyson thought cellar door the two most beautiful words in the English language were "cellar door" and that audible beauty was his preoccupation in the making of poetry.
She baptizes the entire domain of non-auditory sensual experience that the Lady so forcefully avoids.
And in red is a hair cell marker that labels sensory hair cells and the yellow color is the composite color of the green and the red.
Their eyesight and hearing improved significantly in as little as a week.
She's a poet and she has an impeccable ear, but this fiercely virginal Lady has not up to this point even begun to develop her other sensory realms.
Now the Lady, we know, has an exquisite and powerful sense of hearing.
At the center of our sense of hearing is a very interesting cell.
This sort of processing happens in the primary auditory cortex, both left and right, of the temporal lobe.
All of this was aurally transmitted and aurally taught.
Well, the temporal lobe is where your hearing occurs.
So doing music, if I'm sight reading, playing, it's a very complex thing, but most of the--most of this music and language processing happens in these-- the--as I mentioned--the left and right auditory cortex.
There's an acoustical reason for this.
Music is an aurally perceived phenomenon.
You can go buy a score of the Beatles, for example--although they didn't design this initially with music, but after the fact,people sort of listen to it and make written-- put in written form what had originally been just an aurally conceived artistic statement.
We talked about the auditory cortex the first section and maybe there are other parts of the brain that are factoring in here as well but how is it that composers send this information to let's say, our auditory cortex here?