He says that people who put forward views like this and at any rate harmony can certainly be destroyed.
All that Simmias needs to cause problems for Socrates' argument is the claim that harmony is invisible and harmony can be destroyed.
If one chord holds twice as long or only half as long, then we have an irregular harmonic change--irregular rate of harmonic change.
Even if we were to say you know what, the mind is not much like harmony at all.
The first three or four weeks or so we'll be following the elements of music: rhythm, melody and harmony-- and then a test.
Harmony is indeed invisible in sense Number 1, you cannot see it with your eyes, but for all that, it can be destroyed.
Is this metaphor, think about the relationship between the mind and the body as similar to the relationship between harmony and a harp.
Socrates instead spends some time worrying about the question: is the soul really like harmony or not?
Now noticed if that's the way we interpret his argument, harmony works no longer as a counterexample.
it's dependent just the same way that well, for example, harmony is denpendent upon the physical instrument.
He should have said that you know what, harmony is not really invisible or can't be destroyed.
We want to figure out if the harmony is changing, and if it is changing whether it's changing at a regular or irregular rate.
So the crucial point right now is that, thinking about harmony is offered as a counterexample to the generalization that invisible things can't be destroyed.
But first let's worry about the point that I was emphasizing earlier, namely, even if the soul is not very much like harmony, so what?
So the whole piece,then,would be a piece involving irregular rate of change-- the entire piece.
So the harmony analogy is I think an attempt, and not a bad attempt, at gesturing towards the question how do physicalists think about the mind.
He says this is a very nice example for us to think about because some people have suggested, Simmias says, that the mind is like harmony.
If we have to sing a different pitch, then probably the harmony has changed.
By regular rate we mean that the amount of time that each chord holds is exactly the same; every chord holds for the same length of time.
Socrates never says Simmias, here's what your objection goes wrong: harmony is not really invisible or can't be destroyed, whatever it is, so we don't have a counterexample.
I started by saying, "Could you come up with any kind of-- well,you tell me in fifty words or less what I said in lecture yesterday about harmony.
Now I am going to take some time to think about whether or not harmony is a good analogy, because I actually think it is a good analogy.
Harmony was invisible when we mean definition No. 1- can't be seen.
He's talking about the harmony that gets produced by a stringed instrument.
We have basically harmony but it has a simple rhythm to it.
Can you come up with a visual image of how harmony works?
Harmony is to the harp as the mind is to the body.
It's as though the mind is like harmony of the body.
So if what Socrates means by invisibility is the first notion: can't be seen with your eyes, then the argument is not any good, harmony is a pretty compelling counterexample.
How do we hear harmony?What are we listening for again?