And I think there's that constant tussle going on in us Circumstances can push someone one way while another certain encouragement pushes more towards acting ethically.
This is when you feel concern in your heart
She explains to Comus what would happen should she actually choose to break her silence, should she actually choose to unleash all of the rhetorical powers that she has pent up inside of her.
He becomes distracted by an inward fire that draws him into the woods where he wanders and sings, full of unfulfilled desire.
An genuine humility is not just a posing in a form modesty, but you really know your correctness, at the deepest level, you know your correctness.
Fear, you will remember is associated with the desire for security, order, rationality, and peace. Pride is connected with the love of glory, honor, recognition and ambition.
You already know it inside of you.
It has to do with tapestries and carpets and things like that where you weave different strands in in different ways, and somewhere in my deep recesses I have these words "Wep" And "Warp" Or something like that.
Here that omniscient narrator, as when that narrator looks in to Haze's mind, offers you a reading of the sky and its separation from the minds of the characters that suggests, or makes you look for, kinds of structure.
Trying to understand, not just on the cognitive level of the research, but also to experience on the visceral emotional level, what it really means to give ourselves the permission to be human.
So you have two rather competing senses of the word "vocation" here, vocation as employment and vocation as a calling, and they're constantly for Milton bleeding into one another, these two senses of the word, and often struggling with one another or competing with one another.