What would be the probability that a married couple would live, both of them, to the time when their children were grown?
There's the spade in "Home Burial," the spade that's used to bury the couple's little child.
Milton is adamant throughout the epic in his insistent imagining Adam and Eve quite specifically as a married couple - and a married couple -- and this is important to Milton -- a married couple with an active sex life.
Now admittedly that comes from the first creation story in Genesis 1; nevertheless in the second creation story when the writer is recounting the creation of woman, the writer refers to the fact that man and woman will become one flesh.
For many years now, to qualify as an accredited investor, you have to have one million dollars in wealth or income in excess of $200,000 or, if you're married, $300,000 for the couple.
John Gottman studied married couples.
They're a couple whose marital blessing had been granted by none other than God himself.