• By 1860 there were approximately 4,000,000 slaves in the United States, the second largest slave society slave population--in the world.


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  • If the South was a slave society and we tried to demonstrate that last time, we tried to define that.


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  • Objection number two, it's not really slavery to tax because at least in a democratic society it's not a slave holder.


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  • So Roman slavery and the freedom of that was actually one way that a few people in the Ancient World recognized some kind of social mobility, which was very rare in the Roman Empire.


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  • So within a couple of generations people could move up from being the lowest slaves to two generations of being free Roman citizens.


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  • But I think it became, in most ways and in most definitions, a slave society surely by the 1820s or the 1830s.


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  • Only in the Roman Empire could slavery actually start being a way that you can move up in society, because you could-- if you were a talented slave, your owner might free you, probably would free you.


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  • There were certain localized slave societies in East Africa, out of Zanzibar by the eighteenth and nineteenth century.


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  • And although you were a freedman, - which was lower in status than a free person-- - there were some privileges you couldn't have-- your children would be, if they were born after you'd been freed, would be free people, not freed.


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  • All of those slave societies had a population of slaves that was from one-quarter to one-half, and sometimes more, of the total population.


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  • This was a radical concept in its day, evidently. The punishment should fit the crime, no more and no less for all free persons--granted slaves are not included--regardless of social class. Equality before the law.


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  • Essentially, it means any society where slave labor where the definition of labor, where the definition of the relationship between ownership and labor is defined by slavery.


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  • What do we mean when we use that phrase 'slave society'?


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  • And by the 1820s and 1830s the American South became what I think you could safely say was the fifth slave society in human history; maybe the sixth. This is debatable.


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  • For the first time"--this was, of course, the French aristocrat de Tocqueville "For the first time we have had the chance to examine the effect that slavery produces on a society.


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  • But the five great slave societies were those five.


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  • The northern states by the Antebellum Period 1820s,1830s,1840s-- was beginning to sort of hurtle toward a different future than what that slave society was perhaps--no, not really slowly it too was hurtling toward a certain future.


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  • All were highly profitable in their primes.


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  • But the question is, in my present circumstances, with evil on my hands, entailed from my father, would the general interest of the slaves and community at large, with reference to the slaves, be promoted best by emancipation?


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  • Now, in the South what developed and let's define it at least quickly what developed was one of the world's handful of true slave societies.


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  • But if the South was a slave society the North was a market society.


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  • That's always open to debate, exactly when the South became a slave society.


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  • Now, when exactly did the American South become a slave society?


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  • Now, there were other localized slave societies, surely; certainly within Africa, to a certain degree even before Europeans arrived and certainly after Europeans arrived, particularly after the regularization of the Atlantic slave trade.


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  • Where slavery affected everything about society.


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  • What is a slave society?


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  • And if you want to understand why so many white Southerners, especially in the Deep South, went to such great extents to save their slave society, remember the kinds of arguments and language used by its defenders.


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