And Pauli says no two electrons in a given system can have the entire set of quantum numbers identical.
even though it's not the exact same anymore. It's just, it is interesting.
We could also figure out the formal charges, and obviously the formal charges between these two atoms, they're going to be identical, we're only dealing with oxygen atoms here.
No,according to the personality theory, what personal identity requires isn't item-for-item the same personality, but rather the same evolving personality.
That can be supplied by an antagonist called Aldopa - which is not exactly the same as dopamine, it's slightly different.
Compare after 30 or 60 seconds with the person next to you and see if before I reveal the answer we can't get everyone on to the exact same page.
National Public Radio asked exactly this question in a survey a year or so ago and they got the following principal responses back.
Exactly the same.
It turns out that sign and--the developmental milestones of sign languages and the developmental milestones of spoken languages are precisely the same.
The argument is exactly the same for Nietzsche, only he shifts the ground of attack.
Because the two are not identical despite massive amounts of scholarship that confuses this issue: thinks holy means pure, thinks common means impure, and it just doesn't: these are different binary oppositions. The two are not identical.
And then she took the exact same people-- this time, put them in a pilot overalls and at the same time put them in a flight simulator and showed them the exact same the eye chart.
Everything has to completely match.
Of course it's the same with the "I did not" pattern.
当然,它和“I did not”句型是完全相同的。
So, Case and I did identical questionnaires in Los Angeles and Milwaukee and these are median price expectations.
But it's the very same case.It can't be that in one of them, follow the body and the other one,follow personality.
So as I said, they're going to be identical in terms of making the decision that way.
By regular rate we mean that the amount of time that each chord holds is exactly the same; every chord holds for the same length of time.
It's the very same setup.
We can do the exact same thing when we talk about lithium, but now instead of breaking it up into two wave functions, we're breaking it up into three wave functions because we have three electrons.
In fact the number of photons headed to your your eyes from those 2 tiles is exactly the same, physically that is the same.
When these nucleotides get polymerized to form a long DNA molecule they all get polymerized in exactly the same way, the chemistry is the same.
Similarly, if we were to look at the radial probability distributions, what we would find is that there's an identical nodal structure.
So essentially, that is the exact same thing.
One of the real surprising findings in my field over the last ten/twenty years has been that the acquisition of sign languages has turned out to be almost exactly the same; in fact, as far as we know, exactly the same as the acquisition of spoken languages.
You cannot have two vectors equal without exactly the same x component, exactly the same y component.
你不能说两个矢量相等,如果它们的 x 分量不完全相同,或者 y 分量不完全相同
So this code is identical functionally nonswitch c to the last implementation we saw, nonswitch.c, but I'm just ever-more emphatically saying, "In case 1," that is when n equals 1 -- or when case 2 applies -- when n equals 2 or when n equals 3 do what?
Now my main function here is identical.
And by that what we mean is that they're absolutely identical, and it turns out that this here is not a double bond, it's not a single bond either, it's actually something in between.
You can pick out words that are identical. The purpose of the law is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."