• Now, the concept of ritual impurity was a central and integral feature of most, if not all, ancient religions.


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  • You also read an article by Milgrom where Milgrom talks about Priestly cultic imagery serving as a kind of theodicy.


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  • The act of preaching sermons for Puritans was becoming more important, actually, than following the ceremonial rituals of the Church of England.


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  • So that's not really a... Yeah, in the Palestinian society, there are religious organizations, religious institutions. That is true.


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  • Obviously, it's a religious service as well, but it's a genre of music like the symphony or the concerto.


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  • He had many religious books, the kind of standard liturgical texts that were the stuff of religious enthusiasm, and more modern theological works in the Russian Orthodox tradition.

    他有许多宗教书籍 大多是关于标准的礼拜仪式的,也就是一些宗教狂热的东西,还有一些俄国东正教传统中更现代的神学作品

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  • We do know, again, Thucydides is our source, that it was customary for colonies to send representatives back to the mother city for the religious observations that were common to them all, so that those create good feelings.


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  • The rituals of these older groups were retained and then linked to the story of the enslavement and liberation of the Hebrews.


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  • So Israelite-Judean religion on the ground shared many cultic forms and practices and rituals with Canaanite and Ancient Near Eastern culture generally.


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  • I wasn't able to go to the actual graduation ceremony but I was at the class-day ceremony for those seniors to graduating from the religion department. -Right.


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  • There's some religious practices of blessing the moon, and certainly in June, summer camps, you often pray outside.


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  • Canaanite religious ritual took place in small temples that housed cultic statues. There were stone pillars, perhaps symbols of the gods, or memorials to the dead.


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  • So Klawans follows earlier scholars in suggesting that the rituals and sacrifices performed in this sanctuary were designed to ensure God's continued residence within and blessing of the community.


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  • Chapters 11 through 15 cover the dietary system, the dietary laws as well as the ritual purity laws.


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  • And in important ways, the Israelite cult is strikingly similar, particularly in the sacrifices I've just described.


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  • Some scholars theorize that the ritual purity system reflects an original concern with health or hygiene.


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  • There are cultic and ritual texts that prescribe how some ceremony is supposed to be performed.


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  • Because in this account military skill is much less important than ritual preparation and purity.


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  • And we identify this work as Priestly because it deals with matters that were of special concern to and under the jurisdiction of priests: the sanctuary, its cultic rituals, the system of sacrifices, the distinction between the holy and the profane and the pure and the impure.


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  • The priestly texts in Leviticus and Numbers emphasize the sanctity of all life and the ideal of holiness and ethical and ritual purity.


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  • But we do know from living cultures that people do engage in all kinds of ritual and symbolic actions because of genuine beliefs about the importance of those actions, because those rituals and symbols are extraordinarily meaningful to them.


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  • So for Wellhausen, the Priestly source, which emphasizes cult and ritual logically it had to represent a late degenerate stage in the evolution of Israelite religion, because priestly ritualistic cultic practices, these are degenerations.


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