• So, the authority of the canon that he invokes to defend himself in fact suggests perhaps that he has some doubts? Yes.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • I mean, it's actually a state school. So it's very inexpensive for the people who live in the state.


    和设计专业的朋友 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • The way he came up with his scale was actually he borrowed the Romer scale, which came beforehand.


    麻省理工公开课 - 热力学与动力学课程节选

  • And, not too many people, actually, if you talk to your grandmother or grandfather, there were some refrigerators that were actually made that used ammonia.


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  • So, let's think about it, and let's think about what we're actually doing when we solve this.


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  • And what you can see in this picture is that these are actually, they're pretty young guys in this picture.


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  • That's just a graphical incarnation of this thing called an array and notice, the games can, in fact, interact with a human much like Wednesday, I'm leaving my house.


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  • So now I've got actually, that looks like three equations, it's really just two equations, because one of them implies the other.


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  • Now, I know I'm answering your question I think in a better way, but it's actually very rare.


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  • This is actually just, in part, just a review of what we talked about in the second lecture.


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  • And when we talk about transformation, actually mean it quite literally-- changing of the form, changing of the brain as we'll talk about.


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  • If the Israelites were, in fact, basically Canaanites, who had withdrawn from the larger collective, who insisted on the overlordship of Yahweh, then Canaanites who did not join them in this were a special threat to the new Yahwism.


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  • The other great critic of the Miltonic simile for my money takes a completely different tack, and that's Geoffrey Hartman who makes an argument that might even be thought to contradict Fish's argument, although actually Geoffrey Hartman wrote his piece first.


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  • Lastly, up here, is a picture of a much smaller device, this is actually an artificial heart valve that is made of plastics and metal and can replace the valve inside your heart.


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  • The traditional answer is that These guys actually did press up against the rows in front of them And that this provided a momentum That gave the front line an advantage in beating the enemy facing them.


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  • In this case, this is one of the articles, in fact this was today's reading, I got here a little early so it was this particular article was assigned for today and-- but what shows up when you click on the initial tab is just the abstract of the article not the whole article itself.


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  • Another reason I wanted to point this out in terms of the polar coordinates that we're using, is I think they're actually flipped from what you're used to seeing in physics.


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  • In fact it gives me back, now I hate this, it's actually a list it's not a tuple. But for now think of it as giving you back an explicit version of that representation of all those elements.


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  • So what we want to do, is, I guess another way of saying it is, efficiency is really about choice of algorithm.


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  • It's not just about stopping some stupid number ; on your transcript in the end; it's about actually providing some compelling feedback.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • It's been encrypted pretty naively, pretty simplistically, but it's actually an English sentence that's been somehow scrambled; but scrambled in a reversible way.


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  • And when we return the string to you we're essentially telling you where this chunk of memory is.


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  • Right, one the things you can see now is, we start building up classes, we get these methods.


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  • It's really the multiplication and in this case, division that the problem arises. Yeah?


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  • For some of you that haven't I'll just say that it's a protein, it's 238 amino acids, which means that it's about 1,000, actually more than 1,000 atoms in size, and this protein is fluorescent.


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  • I want to start with an article, which-- mention an article by Backus, Kydland, and Kehoe-- actually Backus, Kehoe, and Kydland, three economists.


    耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选

  • We're actually going to do one more clicker question to get started with today, and as we do, I'll explain something we're going to be trying today, which is a little bit of a friendly competition in terms of answering the clicker questions correctly.


    麻省理工公开课 - 化学原理课程节选

  • I'm not going to go through their numbers but the value of the company,as a whole, is really determined by something outside of finance.


    耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选

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