And you would find that the bond energy of the heteronuclear molecule was nowhere on the average of the two.
They own this firm jointly and they split the profits, so they share 50% of the profits each.
We don't have two different species of hydrogen here, so the electrons are perfectly shared.
Okay it looks like about a fairly even split which is interesting.
Well, sometimes you divide up the land equally, but if that land continues to get smaller and smaller, it will not sustain an additional person, not to mention additional family.
So they're going to share equally in the profits of this firm, or this joint project, but you're going to supply efforts individually.
So that could be a firm, it could be a law firm, for example, and they're going to share equally in the profits .
Claire Elise is going to win all of the right wing votes, ranging from crazy to moderate, and these guys are going to split the left wing votes.
Both hydrogens are going to share equally.
So we're roughly splitting the room.
So given that we only have one five dollar bill does there have to be one unique winner, and if so, how is that determined if we have multiple people who are That's a good question. If there's multiple winners, we'll divide it but we'll make sure everyone has a positive winning.