We can talk about the wave function squared, the probability density, or we can talk about the radial probability distribution.
OK. So this is again an example, this was quadratic, and this one was quadratic.
But we can also think when we're talking about wave function squared, what we're really talking about is the probability density, right, the probability in some volume.
One over two squared minus one over n squared 3 4 5 where n takes values three, four, five, six.
If you took out somebody's cortex and flattened it out, it would be two feet square, sort of like a nice--like a rug.
If it moves a lot--either way from the mean-- then this number squared is a big number.
It varies with the square of distance so it goes - in order to go twice as far it takes four times as long.
And the person we have to thank for actually giving us this more concrete way to think about what a wave function squared is is Max Born here.
So if we want to talk about the volume of that, we just talk about the surface area, which is 4 pi r squared, and we multiply that by the thickness d r.
This depiction of matter takes you right up to E=MC E=MC And, that's all he had to work with for data.
So again if we look at this in terms of its physical interpretation or probability density, what we need to do is square the wave function.
Still quadratic, right? I'm looking for the worst case behavior, it's still quadratic, it's quadratic in the length of the list, so I'm sort of stuck with that.
And when we take the wave function and square it, that's going to be equal to the probability density of finding an electron at some point in your atom.
Occasionally, you'll find you need to cancel out units, because, of course, you're always doing unit analysis as you solve your problems, and sometimes you'll need to convert joules to kilogram meters square per second squared.
And I have this, to write it out, this is order the length of the list squared, OK?
We knew this was trying to do squaring, so intellectually we know we can square -4, it ought to be 16, but what happens here?
So, the wave function at all of these points in this plane is equal to zero, so therefore, also the wave function squared is going to be equal to zero.
So the probability again, that's just the orbital squared, the wave function squared.
So, you remember from last time radial nodes are values of r at which the wave function and wave function squared are zero, so the difference is now we're just talking about the angular part of the wave function.
If I'm running a linear algorithm, it'll take one microsecond to complete.
And then in the even case I've got to do a square and the divide.
It weights big deviations a lot because the square of a big number is really big.
sb So just to say that it's 1 s squared plus 1 s b, all of that together squared.
This is the probability density map, so we're talking about the square here.
Add the same thing to the y-values, squared, take the square root.
Square of the Planck constant times pi mass of the electron.
All right. I tried it on 2, I surely didn't expect a precise and exact answer to that but I got something, and if you square this, you'll find the answer kept pretty darn close to 2.
All it is sigma 1 s, and then we have two electrons in it, so it's sigma 1 s squared.
So let's actually just simplify this to the other version of the Rydberg constant, since we can use that here.
So now we have that energy is equal to the negative of the Rydberg constant divided by n squared.