And they had, of course, the strength of mind, as well as the audacity and cunning, to take advantage of this situation.
Because this friend has a great body and you can tell that his muscles are bigger than average.
It means the greatest, the strongest, the ablest, the most admired. That is what you want to be.
He had the animal pleasures of a strong man.
use the whole body, hormones release, and then your body respond and get stronger.
The mortality of the human being is a reality and it's of the greatest significance and importance, and of course men are not as strong and as powerful as the gods.
They were bigger, they were stronger, they were tougher, they were faster, they were more beautiful, they lived longer. Those were the great old days and then there's us, we, poor miserable wretches.
When threatened, chimpanzees-- their hair stands up on end and that makes them look bigger to fool others to thinking they're more dangerous than they are.