• So it's trigonal because we have these three atoms that are bound to the central atom here, and if you picture it, it's actually shaped like a pyramid.


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  • They seem to be designed less to recruit philosophers and potential philosophers than to shape and educate citizens and future statesmen.


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  • When men gain weight they tend to distribute it above the waist, abdominal obesity, or what's called the apple shape.


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  • Then we turn to the island of Euboea, that long island that's right next to the east coast of Attica, Euboea.


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  • It's an example of a very common tool that's going to be really useful to us, not just for doing search, but for doing a whole range of problems. That is, in essence, the template the describes a log style algorithm.


    麻省理工公开课 - 计算机科学及编程导论课程节选

  • See gargantuan hooked fingers Pluck in supreme flesh To smutch supreme littleness.


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  • So some of the Welles's material comes back in but it's never, doesn't comes back in the way Welles had done it.


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  • This is the most famous bell-shaped curve, but there are other ones with different mathematics.


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  • Well, instead of finding that ideal woman, I will create a sculpture"-- as he was a sculptor, " "I will create a sculpture in her image."


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  • But it turns out that if you make the voters distributed more realistically, let's say like on a bell-curve shape, it makes actually no difference to the result at all.


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  • This inner cell mass develops into the embryo, which this here shown at a later stage is beginning to be clear that it's becoming an organism that looks like us.


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  • The shape is actually trigonal pyramidal.


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  • So the point is, this balance between energy thatyou could think of as say bond energies in chemical reactions, and entropy that you can think of in terms of disorder, how many different possible combinations or configurations of something wrong, will dictate where the equilibrium lies.


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  • We often hear today about shaping regimes ? or about changing regimes but what is a regime?


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  • Women tend to distribute the fat in the lower part of the body, below the waist, in what's called a pear shape.


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  • These stories, the stories we hear from earliest childhood on, shape us in some very meaningful sense for the rest of our lives.


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  • Aristotle tells us that this kind of knowledge is a kind of knowledge most appropriate to politics.


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  • We got definition, we got name, we got a set of formal parameters.


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  • The parts at the end of the Y's are variable.


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  • It's a bell-shaped curve that looks about like that.


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  • It dropped dramatically in the period from 1954-- this is these filled black bars refer to this axis, polio cases per 100,000 population dropped down to only three or four cases by 1956.


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  • If we did a--if we go another two decimals-- if we did a million policies, then we would--this would almost just be a spike here at that point, so that's the concept of insurance.


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  • He begins his Metaphysics, his great book the Metaphysics, : with the famous opening statement, " "All men have a desire to know."


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  • Is it a book about the power of poetry and myth, what we would call the whole domain of culture to shape souls and to shape our societies?


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  • For Plato, it would seem, the study of politics was always bound up with deeply philosophical and speculative questions, questions of metaphysics, questions of the structure of the cosmos.


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  • And this defines formal parameters of this function. Yup.


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  • We are what we are because of the power and authority of the laws, the customs, the traditions, the culture that has shaped us.


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  • Every regime shapes a common character a common character type with distinctive traits and qualities.


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  • Politics political science he tells us in the Ethics again is not a theoretical subject in the matter of physics or metaphysics or mathematics.


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  • It is not enough merely to speak the same words, but in a sense, citizens must have certain common experiences, certain common memory and experience that shape a city and the people.


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