Well, I think the pressing example in the United States right now has to do with people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered.
because I deal with prostitution and rape and drug abuse and necrophilia,
So, one question is, "What would cause me to perceive somebody as intelligent or stupid, gay or straight, anxious or level-headed?"
It's a question of saying, "How on earth would you ever have the concept 'heterosexual' if you didn't have the concept 'homosexual' in place?" Right? The absolute interdependency of these concepts is, again, central to her argument and to her understanding of things.
You've been going through a long distance relationship.
The question is "how can I improve my self-esteem, my healthy self-esteem, ? not narcissism of course?
That would be too self-serving.
Freud had some strong claims about sexuality, for why some people are straight and others are gay.
So a behaviorist story about fetishes, for instance, is it's straightforward classical conditioning.
If you heard the sentence " "John thinks that Bill likes himself," in a fraction of a second you would think that it means " "John thinks that Bill likes Bill."
The latency stage is they've gone through this huge thing with Mom and Dad, "fell in love with Mom, wanted to kill my father, dad was going to castrate me, " fell out of love with Mom, out of the sex business."
So the strong classical conditioning stories about fetishes and fears sound silly and extreme and they probably are but at the same time classical conditioning can be used at least to shape the focus of our desires and of our interests.
Everybody's good at it, gay people are better at it than straight people, and, again, you don't need much time.
More speculatively, classical conditioning has been argued to be implicated in the formation of sexual desire, including fetishes.
And most people are heterosexual There's a considerable amount that varies cross-culturally of people who are bisexual But the real puzzle is exclusive homosexuality ? So, why?