These two oscillate back and forth so the moment of deprivation is often then balanced by a moment of imagination.
And you know, you need to imagine the situations and you know, use imagination and enjoy them, really, you know.
Some abstraction is also apparent in the shift from visual to aural imagery in describing God's self-manifestations or theophanies.
I haven't said how I'm going to get those sorted lists, but imagine I had two sorted lists like that.
So imagine that there's right now somebody in an insane asylum in Michigan who's got the thought,I am Napoleon.
and democratic country. And then in the sense it's hard to imagine that there will not be a reaction to the inequitable growth process.
Then in your mind, without realizing it, you found the trajectory at all future times.
When paid a dollar they said, "Well, I don't want to be a donkey.
So if the landscape invites him to grow as an imaginative person, the social world he lives in, this episode signals to us immediately, will never live up to that imagination.
I don't think it's inconceivable he's also justifying colonization as well.
This is more alarming then you could ever imagine.
By becoming a poet for all sorts and kinds, Frost intends, as he says, to arrive "where I can stand on my legs as a poet and nothing else..."
So, imagine growing up in a place like that where the past was so-- was written not only in the death of people that you knew, because everybody you knew died basically.
I think what is better particularly in countries like your own, where you have more people on the internet.
It's just a long, long text that's set to music but that text is drawn from "Apocalypse, " The images of "Apocalypse."
If you look at this picture of this fibroblast you can imagine that it's firmly stuck up here.
I think that I would imagine the Greeks sopping up all sorts of useful and interesting information from their neighbors in the east and the south and there's no question about it.
Imagine now you want to do faces.
And if you imagine Kagan not existing, then you're imagining that single thing, Shelly Kagan, not existing.
Now imagine some metaphysician saying "Wait a minute, buster, not so quick.
What is the role of the imagination?
Imagine this is happening to you.
Imagine that you are Richard Wright and you've grown up with the life that he describes in this book.
One way to mark time is to imagine it carries a clock as it moves, and put markers every second.
Then also, of course, if hunger is an issue and people are eating more than they want then you'd rather have the red line than the yellow line.
Picture my body lying on the ground unconscious.
So, this is Nabokov's beautiful evocation of how writer and reader meet at the summit of this misty mountain of the imagination.
Maybe my body--I'm imagining my body dead, but I'm not imagining myself, the person, dead.
All right. What does this have to do with my divisor example? This says I can make tuples, but imagine now going back to my divisor example and I want to gather up the elements as I go along. I ought to be able to do that by in fact just adding the pieces in.
And you could never imagine that he would be somebody that people would listen to on the radio, hour after hour, because that's how long he talked; or that when Stauffenberg tries to kill him in 1944 the Germans would pour out of the-- into the street to thank god for saving the Fuhrer.