OK, and we'll just plant that idea, we're going to come back to later on, as we carry on.
So, these things here that you have in your hand, is the results of my spontaneously going to staples before class.
People here have been invoking the idea of consent since we began since the first week.
When I'm talking about language I'm meaning systems like English and Dutch and Warlpiri and Italian and Turkish and Urdu and what we've seen and heard right now in class in the demonstration that preceded the formal lecture.
And my name's Merriman, and we meet Monday and Wednesday in this room, which is a pretty good room. And the third, the famous third hour to be arranged is a section.
翻译:lordchaoyi 时间轴:波多而死机 校对监制:天意 梁良,我们每周一和周三在这个教室上课,教室条件很不错,第三,著名的第三小时
We video clipped the class as Professor Low taught the NBA students and then converted them to CDs.
But thereafter we will indeed be Monday, Wednesday.