• Who will help Tony the Tow Truck? "I cannot help you," says Neato the Car. "I don't want to get dirty."


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  • The former Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair, tried to maintain a friendly relationship with America.


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  • I would suggest that in the context of Beyond the Pleasure Principle we could re-title Tony the Tow Truck as The Bumpy Road to Maturity.


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  • Tony Blair, in 2006, was addressing the issue of diet and obesity, and here's some of the things he said.


    耶鲁公开课 - 关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选

  • So what Tony Blair, the guy who won the '97 election, did with "New Labor policy" was he managed to commit to a centrist policy by literally committing to it.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • Toni Morrison was speaking for black Southerners in that, I think, fantastic line in her novel Beloved which I know many of you've read because it's taught all the time but there's that marvelous little exchange at one point between Paul D and Sethe.


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  • And there's considerable controversy " as to whether the Tony Soprano method of insight, where you get this insight and there's discovery, "Oh, now I know," makes any real difference in alleviating symptoms such as anxiety disorders or depression.


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  • In the second line of Tony the Tow Truck, we learn that "I live in a little yellow garage."


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  • The word "yellow" in the second line of Tony the Tow Truck-- its denotation is that it is a certain color, the color that Tony's garage is painted.


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  • That's one of the good things that theory teaches us and that I hope to be able to get across in the course of our varied approaches to Tony the Tow Truck.


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  • We know that two vehicles are going to come along and not help Tony and that the third vehicle will, because everything, as I say, happens in threes in folklore.


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  • We will revert, as others revert to Lycidas, to Tony the Tow Truck for the purpose of introducing questions of applied theory.


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  • So even Tony the Tow Truck, in other words, is not absolutely culinary and can be treated in ways that I hope shed some light on the reading process.


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  • One day I am stuck. Who will help Tony the tow truck?


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  • Now a word about Tony the Tow Truck in this regard.


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  • Quickly to reread it--I know that you all have it glued to your wrists, but in case you don't, I'll reread it: I am Tony the Tow Truck. I live in a little yellow garage.


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  • Please do bring them, and I will also be passing around Tony the Tow Truck and I'll give you a brief description of what the little children's book actually looks like, and then we will plunge in to the question "What is an author?"


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  • Anyway: Tony the Tow Truck.


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  • Obviously Tony the Tow Truck points a moral and so would be subject - to a kind of devaluation on those grounds by the New Criticism-- even though there are ways of reading Tony, as I've been suggesting, New Critic-ally.


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  • That's the purpose of Tony Soprano.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • Tony Soprano enforces those contracts.


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  • Now there's one way in which Tony is probably not a good proof text for the New Criticism.


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  • Now we have uncovered something about the form, the structure, of Tony the Tow Truck in saying this, but we haven't discovered or uncovered a thing about the meaning of Tony the Tow Truck.


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  • There's a tremendous amount of pulling and pushing that goes on in Tony the Tow Truck.


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  • All right. Now this is a wonderful example of the tension between having expectations, the expectation that someone will help Tony, and being in a state of suspense, not knowing who it will be.


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  • All right. Then we have Tony the Tow Truck.


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  • Take, for example, Tony the Tow Truck.


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  • It's interesting I think that - if one thinks of Tony the Tow Truck one can think of-- - when you go home and study it, you'll see what I mean-- there's a complex pattern of imagery, as it were, between pulling and pushing.


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  • So that's the text of Tony the Tow Truck.


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  • Okay. Now I want to turn to Tony as an instance of the way in which reading for the plot can take place.


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