Like the moon, Satan may look beautiful, but upon a closer scrutiny that beauty begins to yield certain metaphysical flaws.
But some paintings that are more minimalistic, they kind of blend into the wall,
I'm going to define a class, and in particular, what I'm going to do, is walk through what that says.
It uses a language and a style that's very far from the language and style of later philosophy and abstract theology.
Why this struggle, and why must Milton struggle with such awkward metaphysical categories in order simply to address properly the power of light?
And I think that's very important especially with electromagnetism, which is so numb toward if, so abstract and so much math flowing around.
The abstract is not life and everywhere draws out its contradictions. You can refute Hegel but not the Saint or the Song of Experience.
The sort of thing that perhaps we might call or think of as abstract objects or abstract properties.
We used iterative deletion in a relatively abstract setting, or not abstract, rather a play setting last time in which were choosing numbers.
And I also didn't want to leave you thinking this was all about abstract ideology.
And then finally, at around age twelve, you could get abstract and scientific reasoning.
And then they're very abstract concepts which are defending the glory of human mind.
This is a meditation on both the joy and the loss of literary substitution for the real or for the truth, the substitution of abstract pattern for something like comprehensible meaning.
And the fourth thing to notice is, I've used abstraction. I've said nothing about how I'm going to make square root.
It's beautifully structured, it's very abstract.
I want to abstract that. And the abstraction you see, right here. I'm going to highlight it for a second so you can see it. I want you to look at it on the handout as well.
Well, I've got part of what I want for abstraction Abstraction, again, says I'm going to suppress details.
OK. So to do this, we need a little more abstract way of talking about efficiency, and so, the question is, how do we think about efficiency? Typically there's two things we want to measure.
And over the next couple of days, you'll see what we mean by this in detail.
I want to just use it, I shouldn't have to worry about what variables I use inside of it, I have shouldn't have to worry about where that is in the code, I should be able to just abstract it away. And that's what we want to add today, are those two things.
And this is something to contrast with the early Yeats and its high idealism, and its drive to exist in an abstract and ideal world.
So the number two, the numbers, three, whatever it is, whatever they are, are these Platonic abstract entities that don't exist in space and time.
They are mere personifications of abstract ideas, and it's not at all clear that Sin and her son, Death, exist as individual entities in the same way, or on the same plane, that Satan does, for example, or Beelzebub.
They talk a lot, as Sarah said, they talk a lot about abstract questions, and this puts the meaning of the story in that abstract register. Is it a love story, or is it a religious story, a mystifying story?
I'm thinking of the general problem of the abstraction of virtue, an abstract notion of virtue. Think of all the questions that all of us at some point or other tend to associate with virtue.
Eliot was there, in that essay on the metaphysical poets that I'm quoting from, defending as necessary what is the primary characteristic, not only of his own poetry, but really of modern poetry generally, what is often called its difficulty.
In particular, all languages, at minimum, are powerful enough to convey an abstract notion like this; abstract in the sense that it talks about thoughts and it talks about a proposition and spatial relations in objects.
So literary can sometimes be very abstract like mathematics, and therefore, if someone says make me a movie, showing me what the square of minus two means that is going to be a challenge.
What is this? This is a wonderful piece of abstraction. It is saying, you don't need to know squat about what's inside the body of this function. You don't have to worry about the parameter names, because they're going to be preserved, you don't need to worry about how I'm doing it, this tells you how you can use this, in order to use it correctly. Of course, I can then close it off, and off we go.
What we're really getting at is the idea of saying I want to have a way of grouping together information into units that make sense. So I can go back to one of those topics we had at the beginning, which is the idea of abstraction, that I can create one of those units as a simple entity, bury away the details and write really modular code.