Now these ideas of classes, object-oriented programming, data abstraction, are about 40 years old, they're not new ideas.
An idea of abstraction, that idea of specification, is exactly what we want to use inside of our functions.
They began with an abstract thought, discussed it, reminded each other of another abstract point forgotten in the rush of events.
So there's a lot of power in this, both engagement and both allowing students to get conceptual understandings of things that are very hard to understand and they're abstract.
The sovereign is not the direct expression of my will or your will, but rather an abstraction from my natural desire to rule myself.
The state was an abstraction, but in the person of the czar it was a reality.
国家" 只是个抽象概念,但沙皇这个人是真实存在的
There's no language in the world that you just cannot talk about abstract things with.
And then they're very abstract concepts which are defending the glory of human mind.
This is not just some abstract thing going on in a class in Yale.
I'm thinking of the general problem of the abstraction of virtue, an abstract notion of virtue. Think of all the questions that all of us at some point or other tend to associate with virtue.
All right, so that notion of abstraction and we're going to come back to multiple times -- during the term-- and it's not just abstraction, -- it's the idea of a specification.
Given the abstraction, the notion of a point as an instance with some values, I can now start building segments.
And just to look ahead a little bit, you could easily imagine that I might want to not just put a statement in there, what the specs are, I might want to put some constraints. Some specific things to check for, to make sure that you're calling the code right.
So, they make their personal or dynastic rule absolute based on loyalty to them as individuals and not to the state as some sort of abstraction.
In particular, all languages, at minimum, are powerful enough to convey an abstract notion like this; abstract in the sense that it talks about thoughts and it talks about a proposition and spatial relations in objects.
It's an interesting question as to whether he really explains how a child goes from a concrete thinker to an abstract thinker, or how he goes from not having object permanence to understanding object permanence.
What we're really getting at is the idea of saying I want to have a way of grouping together information into units that make sense. So I can go back to one of those topics we had at the beginning, which is the idea of abstraction, that I can create one of those units as a simple entity, bury away the details and write really modular code.