Somebody rose and asked him if he had considered putting the elements in alphabetical order. They were very cruel.
And hole in the walls that people don't even know about, and they are just like, they line the streets.
It is 1.7475. Conclusion: if I start to react sodium with chlorine, the result is a crystal, a three-dimensional array.
Here, this image of the lines of trees and the metrical regularity of that verse that describes them.
So on your computer's hard drive are again, a whole bunch of tiny magnetic particles aligned this way or this way.
So, what I want to do is make a new engine which really just consists of two engines, side by side.
The ordered swirl of houses and streets from this high angle sprang at her now with the same unexpected, astonishing clarity as the circuit card had.
So, what we can do instead of talking about the ionization energy, z because that's one of our known quantities, so that we can find z effective.
Parole is the unfolding in time of a set of possibilities given in space, that set of possibilities being what Saussure calls "langue."
And what this means is they don't really care that much about things. They can't prioritize.
He was a president who understood clearly what his ranking of priorities were.
You may know from reading food labels that these ingredients in any food label are listed in order of how much there is in the food itself, so sugar comes right after peanuts.
So what I do is I take the blocks and I put them back together building a tower, in the very same shape, in the very same structure, the very same order as the tower my son had built.
And that idea was, we make a guess in the middle, we test it so this is kind of a guess and check, and if the answer was too big, then we knew that we should be looking over here. If it was too small, we knew we should be looking over here, and then we would repeat.
Just as I foreshadowed, if you look at the difference between the first and third quartile in the bond market -these are active returns over a ten-year period again ending June 30,2005 -and the fixed income market, the difference between first and third quartile is a half a percent per annum.
如我之前所示,如果观察,债券市场中的第一和第三个四分位数,四分位数即统计学中,把所有数值由小到大排列并分成四等份三个分割点位置分别就是三个四分位数 考虑十年期的主动型的收益,截止于2005年6月30日,在债券这个固定收益市场,第一和第三个四分位数,每年只差0.5%
We begin by doing a neural surgical procedure, to implant a silicon based electrode array that you are seeing on the right.
And, as we said before, music has a syntax so that these phrases have to be in a-- arranged in a particular way that makes sense.
Well, if you look at the catalog of ships in Homer's Iliad, the island of Salamis had its ships lined up next to the island of Athens. Ballgame.
Well instead of forming droplets like fat they arrange in a very particular way, they form these structures that are called self-assembled structures because they occur naturally, because of properties of the lipids.
When I see birches bend to left and right Across the lines of straighter darker trees, I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
And now that you have patterns of bits after bits after bits, and if you chunk them up into say, eight-unit quantities, now can you start storing words and sentences, and paragraphs.
Within the visible range of what we can see, you also want to know this relative order that's pretty easy -- most of us have memorized that in kindergarten, so that should be fine.
He was used to working with cards and putting things in rows and columns by suit.
Let's do "the lines of straighter darker trees."
It is a double column, You can see, it starts with hydrogen and goes to mercury in ascending order of atomic mass.
It's a scheme that in English counts accents or stresses per line and then arranges them in a pattern.
All right. So now that we have a general idea of what we're talking about with shielding, we can now go back and think about why it is that the orbitals are ordered in the order that they are.
Notice that though the list isn't strictly chronological, man nevertheless does succeed God.
It shows in these parts of the pyramid that run vertically rather than horizontally, how much people should be eating of various foods.
All right, and he came up with a scheme, and this is how he ranked things.