They submit their data about their people, their users to us, so Baidu users can easily find information related to that.
I like, if I'm going somewhere for the first time, then I'll definitely go online and kind of google it.
Yeah, it's kind of simple, but it gives me an ordered list of these things, And let's run it. OK.
I'm gonna ask you to find resources that help inform your opinions about how we can do a better job of building a better learning community.
There are all kinds of different boxes or the purpose for those boxes are different.
And the basic idea was that we had some sort of a line and we knew the answer was somewhere between this point and this point.
And if you come and ask a question that you could have easily answered by doing the reading, coming to lecture, or using Google, they're going to have less patience.
So this is a nice little search-- sorry, a nice little sort algorithm . And in fact, it's relying on something that we're going to come back to, called the loop invariant.
So when I do the analysis, I want to think about what am I doing here, am I capturing all the pieces of it? Here, the two variables that matter are what's the length of the list, and how many times I'm going to search it?
And what does that say? It says, let's assume I want to do k searches of a list. OK.
I'm going to call it down here with search, which is simply going to call it, and then print an answer out.
OK? So the example I'm going to do, I'm going to search a sorted list.
And typically, I'm not going to just search once in a list, I'm going to search multiple times.
In fact, I think Baidu answers more queries in China today than Google does in the U.S.
So I made the decision to switch gear and become a consumer-oriented search site.
Thank you. Hold on to that thought for second, I'm going to come back to it.
We came up with this idea that we open up the interface so that people who owns the data, who owns the content, can submit it to us and we will integrate into our search results.
In binary search-- ah, there's that wonderful phrase, this is called a version of binary search just like you saw bin-- or bi-section methods, - when we were doing numerical things- in binary search, I need to keep track of the starting point and the ending point of the list I'm looking at.
And the portal companies didn't want to buy the best search technology.
OK. So if I look at this code, first of all I'm calling search, it just has one call, so looks like search is constant, except I don't know what happens inside of b search. So I've got to look at b search.
There are already a number of Chinese search services on the market.
All right? A linear search, I start at the beginning of the list and walk all the way through it. All right, if I'm lucky and it's at the low end, If it's not, if it's at the far end, I've got to go forever, and you saw that last time where this thing paused for a little while while it actually searched a list this big.
And it's called divide and conquer for the obvious reason. I'm going to divide it up into sub-problems with the hope that those sub-problems get easier. It's going to be easier to conquer if you like, and then I'm going to merge them back. Now, in the binary search case, in some sense, this is a little bit trivial.
It doesn't need to show you the search result.
Then I started to think, "Is there any way that we can save the consumers' effort and integrate everything, every function, every application, every information needs that a user wishes into one box?"
All right. Any questions about bisection search?
We're going to call binary search, it's going to take the list to search and the element, but it's also going to say, here's the first part of the list, and there's the last part of the list, Well, it checks to see, is it bigger than two?
I did that for about 10 months of period, and that resulted it being a better or the best Chinese search technology.
If it was an unordered list, we were basically stuck with linear search. Got to walk through the whole list to see if the thing is there.