He's a page-turner, and his extraordinary brilliance as a critic is really just part of the experience of reading him.
because it's only by saying it and being corrected that you're going to learn.
I am by the way at the moment trying to do the same thing in Cuba, with absolutely no success.
And so he explains to the master: I knew thou was't an hard man which reapest where thou sowedst not and gatherest where thou strawest not.
They will be made available free to the public via the internet, so this is a way of allowing the world to benefit from what we all do at Yale.
Yet at the same time, you probably thought "Oh, yeah, well, I did come out pretty much in the place I expected to come out in despite the roundabout way of having gotten there."
The other would be characteristic of agriculturalists: it would be an offering of the very first barley that would be harvested in the spring.
You're not actually getting the things out of life you thought you were getting.
That's something you can be telling me about as you get through the course.
The lectures, not enough, you'll get a lot more in sections.
If you wanted something, and this is still true in France today, it doesn't do any good to go to the local notable, like you did in the eighteenth century and say, "hey,monsieur,the little guy, it would be great if we had a school."
So I think that's enough, you can follow along with the syllabus and see sort of what the topics are each week, what the reading assignment is to do before the lecture in order to get the most out of the lecture.
So I wanted to take a few excerpts from the course's syllabus since it's not an interesting document to walk through line by line, but something you should read at some point very is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates 2 but where you end up in week 12 relative to yourself in week 0.
And an interesting piece of data is that the students reported that one of the primary values that they got out of the course was the opportunity to get to know people throughout the company that it would take them years to get to know on their own.
Because reading and listening is going to give you two captures in your life.
So, that's a sense of what I want to accomplish in these lectures.
and you learn so much and meet so many nice people.
But you get it for free and you get nice hair.
Great work! Keep it up. No pain, no gain.
That's probably been something I've learned the most,
and have the most positive educational experience possible.
and then the benefits are down to them.
For me, those were opportunities that came unexpectedly and which I was able to take advantage of.
And so in Exodus 23, you're going to have a law that tells you not to oppress a stranger because you were a stranger. It tells you to not plow your land in the Sabbath year immediately following that to let the poor and needy eat from it. It tells you to observe the Sabbath day rest.
Now I have not only these great stories but this very important memory of what that community meant to him at that time.
That is to say, you really can get someplace, and so you're entitled to say, "Well, okay.
Can you see anything that people came out with?
The adult learner gets tremendous value if the educational institution is able to provide the environment where a lot of working takes place, where friendships are made, where connections are made and can be used outside later beyond the confines of the educational environment.
I think it's hugely helpful to show up having read the PDF minimally so you actually get as much out of this experience as possible.