We find ourselves in today's reading, Areopagitica in the middle of the English Revolution, sometimes called the Puritan Revolution.
and I'm involved in a group called "Students for Education Reform",
Notably, on Monday, the Treasury Department, under Secretary Henry Paulson, announced a proposal for fundamental change in our financial markets.
And just as important as the radical churches and the reformed sects is for Hobbes the university and its curriculum.
Both shared, both sides, the leadership of both sides, shared a rich kind of nationalism about this American experiment.
He is personally responsible for the reforms, the opening up of Russia to a considerable extent to western European ideas.
President Obama said in late June that he is determined to enact a major reform at the end of the summer.
What gave rise in the Western world to what is called "hermeneutics" was in fact the Protestant Reformation.
He sees, specifically, the passion of the revolutionary's act and he finds it beautiful.
So why don't you talk about the experience that you had in Israel and also a little bit about what it means to be an Orthodox Jew for those people who don't know maybe the difference between reform and conservative Orthodox.
Those books were accepted by Catholics, by Roman Catholics and by Christians up until the Reformation.
Now no single transformation we're working on Has all these attributes simultaneously.
The reformers met these arguments by adopting the following compromise.
His father was a democrat in czarist Russia, and he was quite a reformer. At the time that the Bolsheviks took over in 1919, there was a brief window of time prior to the family's flight.
The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.
There are three waves, three waves of reform, so to speak, that will contribute to the creation of the city.
All the groups that stand to win or lose from it are all figuring out what it does to them and they're taking the positions out of self-interest So, I wanted to write something that was more perspicacious if I could manage that.
Now, and by reform I mean a period in which people became professional reformers.
What does this reformation, so to speak, ? or transformation consist of?
Of course, there were many other reform movements at the time.
It's one of the reasons white Southerners didn't like reformers.
The first responsibility of the individual is to reform themselves.
Because these are major countries in the Reformation.
I don't know if the news media are concluding anything, but you do see--we have seen-over recent years, we've seen a lot of suggestions that the turning point is just around the corner and the news media report that.
The English Reformation, which begins with Henry VIII wanting to divorce and kill his various wives along the way, still had an awful lot to do with the resistance to the power of Rome and the power of the Catholic Church as an institution.
In American history our reform crusades have usually had to do with one of several objects or purposes or problems.
Socrates understands that those who want to reform others must reform themselves, but many who've tried to imitate him have been less careful.
It has grown enormously and really provides a way for students who have creative innovative ideas about how they could create social change, and the Pay Center works with them and tries to implement those ideas.
It was really the government that made the switch from five-year mortgages to the long-term mortgages.
I don't want to exaggerate this too much but the largest riots in Britain in the eighteenth century are not the riots for political reform at all.