In other words, language, according to Derrida, in the Saussurian tradition seems to privilege sound over script, over what is graphic.
Now I want to pause a little bit more, then, in this regard over Derrida's distinction between writing and speech--writing, ecriture.
I have to write to them about that However we go to the text-only version here You see it`s all in text.
But Milton was also beginning to develop in this period a much more strict, a much more disciplined religious temperament.
There is that physical comedy, and I'll suggest to you that in that sentence, the pushing and pulling, you're seeing part of Nabokov's verbal play.
Reconfigure itself, emulate it, however you want to use the words, it's going to change how it does the computation.
We can go back to ancient Egypt where there khemeia is reference in the hieroglyphs to term khemeia, which, among other things, meant chemical processes for embalming the dead.
But you can write it down It's a concept that links itself to a literary or verbal written expression.
I will open the Koran and I will show you where there are texts that say that the righteous woman is very modest woman, and pose her garment closely around her.
So I've removed the comments, the things that start with slash slash from the slides just so you have an opportunity engage more intellectually rather than just reading the answers off the screen.
The fact that I haven't seen this particular combination of words " isn't enough to make it interesting."
Let me read you something as we move to the fulles claim that will be made for the role of the polis.
Some of this--we tend to think,as modern people, that a written text is actually the best thing.
They thrust together different texts, different languages, writing from different historical periods, all there, compressed in that remarkable mad song that concludes the poem.
You've got to have a text and so we don't have--in eighty percent of classical music-- we don't have lyrics; we don't have a text.
Words may well be a powerful weapon, as powerful as a gun.
And it's this rhetoric of anticipation, this language of looking forward, that structures all of Milton's own narratives about his own literary career.
You underlined it perhaps because you were convinced that this was Milton's wonderful and liberatory, progressive celebration of the absolute inviolability of the written word.
Though she knew even less about radios than about southern Californians, there were to both outward patterns a hieroglyphic sense of concealed meaning, of an intent to communicate.
The first creation story doesn't really contain puns and wordplays, it's a little bit serious. The second creation story is full of them: there are all sorts of little ironies and puns in the Hebrew.
Many, many people, not only in the United States, but in other countries use Text-to-Speech Readers.
But you might have to,also, refer to a Psalm over here or to another passage over here. And it's too difficult if you're unraveling scrolls and everything.
There is a difference between voice and writing even though they have so much in common.
But of course, a lot was known about these Mycenaeans well before the syllabary was deciphered.
When it does happen, when the idea comes and you wrestle to place the words that express exactly what it is that you want to say, what it is that the meaning you're wrestling for.
I live in words Backban I walk a great deal, I live in the backban walking into class and home, that's 3 or 4 miles right there.
If you want to do word processing on it, good luck.
of talking about the difference between voice and writing.
It comes back and forth in his memoirs too. In Speak, Memory that word appears. It's interesting.