And do not be tempted to say, "Isn't it wonderful that the way nature works is that babies are cute?
The only precedent Milton would have had even for the idea of line numbers would have been the great ancient classics, the magnificent Renaissance editions of Homer and Virgil.
He is the author of a wonderful book called Acts of Faith which we'll talk about more.
And this is from Damasio's excellent book Descartes' Error: He used to be a really responsible guy, a family man, very reliable, very trustworthy.
This is a painting of her.
Is art important enough to you that you'd be prepared to watch, look at a masterpiece, if you knew that while you were enjoying it you could die, ? but that wouldn't happen otherwise?
Of course, we have to also know how to plug in the numbers so we can pass all the tests, but it's good to understand the nature of the edifice set up by Newton.
What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!
We want to be more--a bit more sophisticated than that, if you will, and use other terms, so we'll talk generally about Beethoven's composition or Beethoven's piece or Beethoven's work or his master work or chef d'oeuvre or however fancy you want to get with it.
It is affection loyalty and friendship that make up a regime. This sort of thing he says this political partnership is the work of affection philia is his word is the work of affection.