Look now, and this is on the handout, at the letter that Milton had written to his friend, Charles Diodati.
By the 1830s,1840s, there were over 100 men in Charleston, South Carolina alone, making their livings full-time as slave traders.
So Milton is explaining to Charles Diodati that if you're going to become an epic poet, you have to start acting like one.
You remember that Milton had vowed to his friend Charles Diodati in the Sixth Elegy that he would become an epic poet some day, and that he was taking all of the necessary steps to transform himself into an epic poet.
We will hear again of Milton's intention to write an epic in a versified letter that he writes to his best friend, Charles Diodati. This is the letter to Diodati which Milton publishes as the Sixth Elegy.
Middle-class Puritans like John Milton find themselves upholding the authority of Parliament over the authority of King Charles and over the authority of the official Church of England.
That's the only known comparison of Charleston to Lima, Peru that I'm aware of.
I hope you remember from the Sixth Elegy, the Sexta Elegia, that we read a few classes ago that Milton had told his friend Charles Diodati ; that an aspiring epic poet should only drink water; ; two, should refrain from eating meat; and three, should keep his body chaste.
Ads in newspapers, like this one in Charleston, would read, "Negroes wanted. I am paying the highest cash prices for young and likely Negroes, those having good front teeth and being otherwise sound."
He likened Charleston, South Carolina though this was in the 1780s he likened Charleston, South Carolina to what he called, quote, "The barbarous institutions and traits, especially slavery, the self-indulgence of the planters" and then he concludes "Just like Lima, Peru."