We'll get into some spots where it gets a little trickier, a little bit more complicated later in class.
because you know, economically it's been a bit difficult.
There are widespread controversies about it, and many of the courses you would take in law school are meant to try to get to the bottom of these thorny questions.
And we would need, to have to look at it, and it's going to be very tricky, by the way, as to what the right answer is.
That really is the question we are wrestling with and, of course, behind it all is can we seek any historical information from Homer's poems at all?
That would be a little tricky.
Then it's sort of...you can get out of hand I think India so far is leaning also towards bringing down barriers and opening their sight of economy as well.
But that merging process only takes N steps, N*log N so that's N times log of N. Now, it's a little tricky to reason through this perhaps the first time, let's just take a very simple example and see if we can do a little sanity check here.
Okay, this one's going to be a little bit trickier to draw.
Because this is not very tricky.
So that you will come away with a sense of what you can do, what you can't do, and what kinds of things you should use to tackle complex problems.
Middle east is emboiled into so many security issues that it's not obvious ... that it's ready to join you know...sort of ... and focused mainly on economic development.
So the David Smith case isn't really bothersome.
And...so those issues added up is a democratic context which you can't be certain of what the policies will be, so all of these make it sort of somewhat trickier than a place like China.