has directly or indirectly referenced the thing, that you are condensing into a single statement.
Some of these terms that he uses are literary climax, the creation of suspense so he's tracking this as if it were the development of a narrative.
Freud developed-- this is a crude summary, but Freud developed the Oedipal complex, " "Mom, I love Mommy, Dad."
To use an ancient expression from the 1970's, which only John and I will appreciate, it's really hard to grok what that code is doing, to understand what it's trying to make happen.
This is a highly simplified version, but sort of closes the loop on what we've been talking about.
He says--and here's that Yeatsian word "all" again--he says: When I try to put all into a phrase I say, "Man can embody truth but he cannot know it."
If you start listing all the things worth having in life, it might seem as though you couldn't possibly come to any general organizing principles.
What does it mean that both of these elements have been retained here side by side? What is the phrase? The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So keep that awareness.
It recognizes that the risks that a bank faces are very complex and that they are not summarized by just the classes of borrowers that were defined in Basel I.
And when Locke speaks about the right to property, he often uses that as a kind of global term for the whole category, the right to life, liberty, and property.
In other words, we can't use genre either as a blanket term; one of the most influential people in persuading us that there's no such thing as literature, legal texts, theological texts, philosophical texts, or scientific texts.
The general structure that we're looking at can be summarized as this, if this helps paint a nice mental picture.
So here we have an example but I want to go back to the generality and to a bit of formalism.
The first law, if you want to say, "What's the summary of all of this?"
it's designed to have the students, I guess, be able to say, more or less,
Well, I'm going to write on the board, "shield equals moon," and you can schematize it with, let's say, "A equals A'." A'?
The idea could be summed up by a quotation from the physicist Wolfgang Pauli.
What kind of systematicity could we ? possibly bring to all of this?
All right. Let's recap.
In other words, Freud, Sophocles, all of the other versions I have at my disposal, have equal merit as versions, but none of them is a transcendental signified, none of them is a blanket term, and none of them is the causal explanation or meaning of the myth.
There's a robot in those books, Marvin, who's --depressed, I think is the simple word about it.
Basically, you're introducing this gene into cells that when you give the right inactive drug that will cause the cell to make chemicals that kill it.
It's very hard to summarize insurance regulation in the United States.
It's ridiculous to think that literature could be defined in any one of those ways or even in a combination of all of them.
So, university professors have teaching evaluations and you could use this as a rough and ready approximation of what students think of them.
I'm also going to do some summarizing of these scenes for people who haven't read.
And so this slide just illustrates that in a simple way, the range of different kinds of organisms that your immune system is trying to--whoops!
The summary is that constant velocity doesn't require anything.
So again, let's recap.