When an object is extended over time really the entire object's right there very single moment.
and obviously the bread is, everyone does have baguettes at every moment in a day.
committed that their paper money would always and at all times be redeemable in gold.
They're the result of millions of individual decisions at millions of points in time.
The important concept is that, while every cell in your body has the capability of making all the proteins that are needed throughout your body, not every cell is doing that at any given time.
Think, in "Birches," of really the extraordinary play of language, the freedom of association, all of which is being played off of the strict demands of the meter, at every moment.
You also do walking meditation, you can do mantra meditation, you can do all sorts of meditations that can be seen as a step towards maintaining the state of mindfulness at all points of your daily life, which is impossible unless you're a monk for a very long time.
just because I feel like if I could, I'd be, I'd wear every day, all the time because everything is so cool and just so edgy.
But we've been so completely socialized into thinking two things: one is that we need water with us all the time; and second we have to buy it.
I don't want to go through this in detail because I assume that you know it, plus I think it's a little bit easier to read and have some time to digest, but this process of translation or conversion of messenger RNA into a protein is a complicated biological process that's occurring all the time.